The contempt towards working in an anti-caste organisation was quite known to me. Through narratives in liberal circles, I came to believe in the casteist speculation about the ASA as an organization that was infamously hyper-masculine and gender insensitive. I chose to dissociate myself from any close affiliation with ASA. I believed that disassociating would help me navigate any such experiences of discrimination. However, the interactions of faculty members and students fraternity continued to be casted (entrenched in caste). Performances of my caste-Hindu classmates, whether good or bad, benefitted from guidance by faculty members. Whereas vis a vis us, they used sweeping remarks calling our answers ‘objective’ and our language as non-academic. Our questions in the classroom were met with a contemptuous silence or remarks like “You don’t get what I am talking about’’ or “You need to read more”.