
What Rahul Gandhi Wrote In Letter To PM Modi About The ‘Plight’ Of MGNREGS Workers

'I believe that we have a duty to rise above our political differences to uphold social, political, and economic justice,' Gandhi said in his letter dated February 10.


Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has penned a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the "devastating plight" of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) workers in West Bengal, urging the government to expedite the release of central funds to the state for settling their outstanding wages.

In his letter to Modi, Gandhi mentioned his recent visit to West Bengal as part of the Bharat Jodo Nyaya Yatra, during which he met with a delegation of MGNREGS workers from the Paschim Banga Khet Mazdoor Samity, who briefed him on the challenges they are facing.

The letter reads, "I am writing to you regarding the devastating plight of MGNREGS workers in West Bengal, and their relentless fight for justice."

Flagging the "devastating plight" of MGNREGS workers in West Bengal and their relentless fight for justice, Rahul said, "Lakhs of our brothers and sisters have been denied work and wages under MGNREGS due to the stoppage of central funds to West Bengal since March, 2022."

"I was informed that many workers have not been paid for work completed in 2021 due to a shortfall in funds," the former Congress chief said in his letter to Modi.

About MGNREGA: MGNREGA, implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development, guarantees at least 100 days of wage employment per year to rural households volunteering for unskilled manual work. Women are ensured one third of the available jobs. Launched in February 2006 under the UPA government, MGNREGA aims to enhance rural livelihood security and promote gender equality.

Eighteen years ago, the UPA government chose a radical new path of social and economic justice by guaranteeing the right to work for rural communities, Gandhi said. Gandhi pointed out that for many, MGNREGS is the only safety net in times of crisis and an assured livelihood source.

"In this context, I request that the Union government facilitate the release of funds to clear pending wages and ensure that the demand for work is met. I believe that we have a duty to rise above our political differences to uphold social, political, and economic justice," Gandhi concluded in his letter dated February 10.

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