The suspense is over. Quantico hit our television screens last week, and we now know that the series revolves around Priyanka Chopra, or her character, Alex Parrish. The reviews are mixed but so are her vowels. Most critics have found it difficult to swallow her accent which comes across as Bollywood-on-the-Bronx. In fairness, the actress has been flying in and out of America thanks to her international singing career and now Quantico, so her vocal chords have been in a bit of a twist, which explains her mangling of the English language. She’s also simultaneously shooting for a movie where she plays a Maratha queen, so the slip of the tongue, so to speak, is understandable. Priyanka is aware that her accent is a topic of conversation. She once remarked on Karan Johar’s show that she got her accent from the same place Saif Ali Khan did. But the man from Pataudi was schooled in England and his accent occasionally slips into that of a rich toff, much like his late lamented dad who had the excuse of being Oxford-returned.