Last wick I be going Delhi for attend boardmeeting of central garment undertaking for which I be director. My Delhi host saying,"Netaji, whyfor not we visit market and taking fresh airs this fine Novembermorning?"
"Whyfor not?" I replying and we embarking journey. You not believe my totalsurprise seeing state of Delhi. It reminding childhood days of world war two when peoplemake queu for everything but now even worse. Wherever head turning it seeing one Q afterother.
"Arre baba, whyfor this Q?" I be asking one fellow.
"This be for onion," he say. Another Q for tomato. Third for potato. And so onand fourth.
Then I be asking another Q, "Mister, what this Q for?"
"This be for making complaint against Romesh Sharma!" Toba, toba, what next I bethinking when lo and behold I finding even longer Q full with politicians.
I asking. "Pray whyfor you standing in Q?"
"We queuing for making affidavit that we not knowing from Adam this Romesh Sharmafellow!"
To utterly butterly surprise I finding one Q even for salt. I be thinking wah Bapu! Whatfar site you having. Even before I born you predicting future and telling people, arrebaba, come with me to Dandi and be making your own salt! Let A.R. Rehman be givingsalaam to Mother India, but my salaam going wholly and solely to you Bapu...!