
Bull's Eye

The Bihar crisis has confused pundits. They don't know what the politicos wanted.Actually, it's very simple. Each politician wanted something but ...

The Bihar crisis has confused pundits. They don't know what the politicos wanted.Actually, it's very simple. Each politician wanted something but at the same time didn'twant something else. Trouble was he couldn't get what he wanted without also getting whathe didn't want. That's why the terrible confusion.
Atal Behari Vajpayee wanted good governance and therefore Article 356 in Bihar. But hedidn't want good governance and therefore Article 356 in Maharashtra, Gujarat and UttarPradesh. He had the Ordinance issued because he was sure of victory in the Lok Sabha. Hehad the Ordinance revoked because he was sure of defeat in the Rajya Sabha...
Sonia Gandhi wanted to end Rabri Devi's rule in Bihar. But she didn't want to startCentral rule in Bihar. She doesn't want Laloo to survive any way he can. But she does wantCongress to thrive any way it can. She wants total control of the Congress. But shedoesn't want a total fight with Arjun Singh, Sharad Pawar and Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy....
Lal Krishna Advani wanted bjp to succeed in Bihar. But he didn't want Vajpayee to succeedin Bihar. He likes rss because Govindacharya obeys him. But he dislikes rss because SunderSingh Bhandari does not. He wanted President's rule because Bihar police came under hiscontrol. But he didn't want President's rule because Bihar police couldn't stop a dozenpeople being shot every other day...
Arjun Singh, Sharad Pawar and Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy want Congress to revive. But theydon't want the Dynasty to revive. They want Sonia because she makes the Congress relevant.But they don't want Sonia because she makes them irrelevant. They want Laloo to go becausehe is losing them Dalit votes. But they want Laloo to stay because he brings them Muslimvotes...
H.K.S. Surjeet and A.K. Bardhan dislike Congress and Laloo because they want to opposecorruption and casteism. But they like Congress and Laloo because they want to fightcommunalism...
Laloo and Mulayam support Sonia because they want bjp to go. But they oppose Sonia becausethey want Rabri to stay...
Only the people of India are not confused. They want Laloo to go because they hate theThird Front. They want Vajpayee to lose because they hate the bjp. They want Sonia to failbecause they hate the Congress.

We don't know what we love,
We sure know what he hate!
We pray to that guy above
To save us from this fate!

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