
Bull's Eye

Top generals of the Pakistani army were in conference. An aide rushed in and whisperedin the ear of the army chief. The chief dismissed him with ...

Top generals of the Pakistani army were in conference. An aide rushed in and whisperedin the ear of the army chief. The chief dismissed him with an ashen face. "I haveshocking news," he said in a hoarse voice. "The ISI has ditched us and gone overto the Indians! Even prime minister Nawaz Sharif is collaborating with the Indians!"

There were gasps around the room. "That seems impossible, sir!" the artillerycommander said.

The army chief shook his head in despair. "The information can't bewrong," he said in a trembling voice. "India's defence minister GeorgeFernandes himself has publicly announced that both the ISI and Pakistani government opposeour Kargil operation!"

"Surely he could be wrong," an infantry general said weakly."Are youcrazy?" the army chief snapped. "You think any cabinet minister in the worldwould say this publicly unless he was one hundred per cent sure?"

There was a stunned silence in the room. "Now we must rethink our entire strategy.So, the ISI has turned against us, has it? I am totally confused."

The top brass of the ISI was in an emergency meeting. The ISI chief was livid withrage. "You are all useless," he thundered. "How could you miss suchimportant information in our own backyard? When India's defence minister can publiclyoffer safe passage to the militants isn't it obvious that our government has secretlysurrendered? How else can you explain the offer? Nawaz must have used the hotline! God,what a mess! I'm totally confused."

The Pakistani cabinet was holding a midnight session. Nawaz Sharif was pale and tense."We will have to revise our whole gameplan. The scenario has totally changed!"

"But sir are you sure India is heading for an army takeover?" "Can'tyou duffers understand?" Nawaz Sharif shouted.

"Indian army officers have already started briefing meetings of the ruling party!We have seen how the army functions in Pakistan! What else can it mean?"

He mopped his forehead. "Dealing with a military dictatorship in India. That'sa new ball game! I'm totally confused."

George Fernandes stood before the mirror shaving. He stared at his reflection."After all when TV cameras are pushed in my face I have to say something!" hemuttered.

"That's my job, isn't it? Then why is everyone gunning for me? I'mtotally confused."

First I act,
Then I think!
People react
And then I blink!

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