
Bull's Eye

Everyone in India is overjoyed. We have made the dragonsmile. </font><font face="Arial" size="2">Things became really bad after George thought ...

Things became really bad after George thought he was the StGeorge who had once fought a dragon. So Jaswant had to go and meet the dragon to setthings right.

The dragon has one of its paws in Kargil. It is known asthe Paw At Kargil (pak). pak is giving us a lot of trouble. Recently pak had a talk withthe dragon. Jaswant did not meet the dragon to talk about pak. He went to discuss mattersconcerning only India and the dragon.

But the dragon was so kind that it volunteered to discussIndia's problems with pak. India was thrilled when the dragon refused to support its ownpaw. The dragon said: 'India and pak should settle differences between themselves throughtalks. '  This proved that the dragon was not supporting pak. The dragon was neutralbetween India and its own paw.

What a tremendous gain for India!

A foremost China expert said on TV that after Rajiv Gandhibecame PM the dragon changed its attitude towards India. The dragon became friendly. Itwas a different matter of course that the dragon remained more friendly with its own paw.It started giving nuclear weapons and missiles to pak.

The Congress party's foreign policy spokesman Natwar Singhexcitedly pointed out that ever since Rajiv went calling on the dragon it had not sent onesoldier across the Line of Actual Control. It was only pak which sent soldiers across theLine of Control.

The dragon says that the Line of Control should not becrossed anywhere. But where is the Line of Control? Well, the dragon can't even say wherethe Line is between India and itself. So how can it say where it is between India and pak?These are matters to be sorted out through talks. The dragon also wants internationalborders to be respected. That is why it wants India to vacate Arunachal Pradesh andSikkim.

Jaswant comforted those Indians who worry about thedragon's future role. He said: 'We will not give it (the dragon) any role in South Asia.We will not allow it (the dragon) to be an umpire. ' 


No sir, the dragon will not be allowed to meddle betweenIndia and its own paw. The dragon has promised to remain neutral.

Left hand, right hand,
Can't say who does what,
Your land, my land,
Can't say who owns what!

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