
Bull's Eye

People wonder how wars are fought inside command headquarters. 'How do our leaders andgenerals cope with the crisis minute to minute?' they ask. ...

People wonder how wars are fought inside command headquarters. 'How do our leaders andgenerals cope with the crisis minute to minute?' they ask. Our reporters managed to spendan entire day inside the headquarters. They gave a blow by blow account. This is theirreport.

The Leader frowned and said, 'Summon both chiefs for a conference immediately.' Theaide rushed out. Within ten minutes he was back. 'General Arjun Singh and Air MarshalNatwar Singh are here, Madam!' he announced.

'Send them in,' the Leader said curtly.

Both chiefs stepped into the office. 'Seen the latest reports?' the Leader askedsharply. 'The enemy has not only captured the heights. According to opinion polls he isclimbing higher every day! What do you have to say?'

Both chiefs shuffled their feet and remained silent. The Leader turned to Air MarshalNatwar Singh. 'Well, speak up! You are standing in the air all the time. What is yourlatest report on the heights?'

'I myself am surprised, Madam,' the Air Marshal said. 'Day and night I'm bombing theenemy heavily in all three sectors Star News, Zee News and DD-1. It should have beensoftened to a pulp by now.'

'Your bombing must be off target,' General Arjun Singh said curtly. 'Our men on theground are finding it tough. The enemy is sitting on those heights. We can't capture asufficient number of prisoners. We got a captive audience of only seven thousand whenMadam attacked Varanasi. In Haryana it was worse. Our troops rebelled and refused to takeinto custody any captive audience!'

'How did the enemy capture the heights in the first place?'

'It was an intelligence failure, Madam,' both chiefs said.

'You mean it was lack of information?'

'No Madam, lack of common sense.'

'Well, better come up with something fast,' the Leader urged. 'If we don't drive outthe enemy from the heights before September we are in deep trouble. We might lose theheights permanently!'

Just then an aide rushed in. 'Madam, our army has cleared Kargil! The Pakistanis areretreating!'

'For God's sake, do something,' the Leader snapped. 'Now that our army has driven outthe Pakistanis the enemy might permanently capture the heights. And those heights reallyare ours!'

It ain't right
During a fight,
To make the poll
Your only goal!

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