
Bull's Eye

I just completed my version of the great Indian novel. Igave the manuscript to my literary agent. He was thrilled after reading it. "It'sa bestseller," ...

I just completed my version of the great Indian novel. Igave the manuscript to my literary agent. He was thrilled after reading it. "It'sa bestseller," he assured me. "I am sure India Today will serialise it."

My novel is titled, In the Company of Khushwant Singh . Thehero of the story is named Khushwant Singh. He is a purely fictitious character. Anyresemblance to a living person would be sheer coincidence. I reproduce a small extractfrom the novel:

He paced up and down the room. The rest of the family wereout of station. He had sent away the servants. The whole flat was to himself. He tingledwith anticipation. She should be here any minute.

He looked out of the window. A cab drew up and she steppedout. He opened the door before she could ring the bell. "It's hot andsticky," she said huskily and sank into a sofa. She stretched her arms behind herhead and closed her eyes. "Got a whisky?"

"Sorry, it's ages since anyone came from abroadand gifted me any whisky," he said. "I can only offer you a soda." Shesipped her soda and looked at him languidly. Her eyes sent a message. "I couldn'tthink of anyone better than you to invite this afternoon," he said.

"I'm sure you say that to every woman youinvite," she said archly.

"I mean it," he whispered.

"Let's not waste time," she said. "Let'sget down to it."

"Let's go to the other room," he murmured.He took her hand and led her to his private study. "We will be more comfortablehere."

She looked around the room. "This is perfect,"she sighed.

She took his fountain pen in her hand. "What a largefountain pen!"

"Punjab produces the biggest fountain pens," hesaid proudly. "This was made in Ludhiana."

"What are we waiting for," she said hoarsely."Why don't we begin?"

He got beside her. He adjusted his glasses. He picked uphis new manuscript. Slowly, gently, he started reading page one.

"More," she panted. "I want more!"  

There were beads of sweat on his brow. His nostrils flaredwith the effort. He turned over the page. He started to read page two... 


"I have lots of sex," he said.
"But only in my head.
All my desires are fed,
When I take a book to bed!"

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