
Bull's Eye

IN the heat of poll campaigning, improper things are said.But that is no excuse forJyoti Basu. He should be ashamed. He said that L.K. Advani was ...

IN the heat of poll campaigning, improper things are said.But that is no excuse forJyoti Basu. He should be ashamed. He said that L.K. Advani was a criminal. The PM demandedan apology. The PM said: "It was never proved in a court that he (Advani) was acriminal."

Of course Advani is not a criminal. He is the home minister. He just happens to be ahome minister facing criminal charges. A home minister being investigated by the police.Thousands of people are investigated by the police.

Tell us Mr Basu, is it a crime if a home minister is investigated ?

The case relates to the Babri Masjid demolition. Advani was presiding over a publicmeeting. Inflammatory speeches were made. The audience became a mob. It demolished themosque. It killed 23 local Muslims and burnt their houses. Forty-nine persons along withAdvani were accused. They included people as decent as Advani. Respected ministers likeMurli Manohar Joshi and Uma Bharati. The incident occurred only eight years ago. Thematter is before the court. Thousands of people are accused in courts.

Tell us Mr Basu, is it a crime if a home minister is accused?

Only two years have passed since the judge read his order. He said the 49 accused had aprima facie case of criminal conspiracy against them. He wanted to frame charges. For thatthe accused had to be present in court. But Advani and the other V I Ps were too busy toanswer repeated summons from the court. That is why charges could not be framed.

Tell us Mr Basu, is it a crime if a home minister is too busy?

Poor Advani is being hounded. He was accused in the hawala case. But the case neverreached the stage where he could be cross-examined under oath. The judges foundinsufficient evidence. Charges against all the forty - odd politicians were dismissed.Even the charges against the Jain brothers, from whose premises Rs 58 lakh worthunaccounted foreign exchange was seized, were dismissed. Only two Kashmiri Muslims in thehawala case were guilty. Each served seven years in jail.

These are the facts. So tell us, Mr Basu. Shouldnt you apologise ?

People are shocked, not amused,
When judge is jury and accused,
But we wont allow any flaw
To undermine the rule of law!

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