
Bull's Eye

The other night I read the newspaper before retiring tosleep. I learnt that eight rapes are committed in Pakistan every day. That night I had astrange ...

The other night I read the newspaper before retiring tosleep. I learnt that eight rapes are committed in Pakistan every day. That night I had astrange dream.
I saw Bill Clinton in a cop's uniform. The emblem on his cap said: World Cop. He wasquestioning a soldier with a dishevelled woman by his side.
As I approached, I heard Clinton say: "You know the law, fella! Rape is illegal inthese here parts! You committed rape in broad daylight. Whaddaya have to say foryourself?"
The soldier smiled confidently. "I was merely making love to this woman, officer. Idid that because it was very necessary!"
"Oh yeah? And why is that?"
"This woman's husband was always beating her. She had to be rescued. She neededlove and affection."
Clinton scratched his head. "You made love to a married woman? That too is againstthe law, fella!"
"Her husband is a real tyrant, officer. You can ask this woman. She is glad to be ridof him."
Clinton turned to the woman. "Is that true, ma'am?" She maintained a scaredsilence and dumbly nodded her head.
"Where's the husband?" Clinton asked the soldier.
"Don't worry, officer. I've locked him up in a small room. He can'tharm anyone now."
"This is very confusing," Clinton grumbled, rubbing his jaw.
"The husband has a legal right to this woman. I'm not sure if it's okay foryou to lock him up!"
"We have to think of this poor woman's future, officer. If the husband is letloose, he can again bother her!"
"Okay, but I warn you not to hurt, maim or kill the husband unless a hand-pickedjudge okays it. We are very strict about human rights the world over!"
"Don't worry, officer. Meanwhile, I shall take care of this woman."
"You do that, fella! And while you're at it, make sure you get properly marriedto keep things legal. We are very particular about the rule of law in our world!"
"Sure, sure, officer! All in good time."
Clinton shook his head. "This sure is one helluva complicated case. But you ain'tseen the last of me. I'll be back. Meanwhile I gotta rush to Baghdad or Kosovo orwhatever. They have uncomplicated cases. Maybe I'll hafta bomb them again."

In the new world order
Sovereignty has no border,
Yankee doodle has his way,
Nobody else can have a say!

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