
Bull's Eye

The other day I met the man who governs India. He is a PA in the pmo. He was on thetelephone. He gestured me to a chair. Finishing his conversation, ...

The other day I met the man who governs India. He is a PA in the pmo. He was on thetelephone. He gestured me to a chair. Finishing his conversation, he put the phone downand smiled. "So what brings you here?"

"I travelled around the country recently," I said. "I waswondering..."

The phone rang. He straightened up. "Yes, sir. They're working out the figures.That's right, sir. Each MP will get a third phone for the computer and one lakh freecalls. Travel concession for the MP's companion? No, sir, only for single MPs. Married MPswill get concessions only for spouses. No sir, as yet MPs can't spend Rs 5 crore in theirconstituencies. But that's expected soon. Bye, sir."

He shook his head. "That's the third call from an MP this morning. I wish..."The phone rang.

"Yes, madam, I think your name is on the reduced list, madam. I can't say how longthe delegates will be allowed to stay in the US after the Women's Day function is over.Right, madam. I'll let you know, madam."

"These women," he said. "Always shopping, shopping, shopping..."The phone rang.

"Yes, speaking. You've had a word with the PM, sir? If he has told you, I'm sureyour name will be there, sir. No, all the 100 members have not been announced yet. Well,naturally the chairman of the Population Commission will get all the facilities andemoluments, sir. I can't say how much for all the rest. We'll get back to you, sir."He put the phone down.

He began, "I wonder if..." The phone rang again.

"Yes, sir. The scheme has been approved, sir. That's right, apartments for seniorex-MPs in the heart of New Delhi. I'm sure your name will be included, sir. Anyone who hasbeen MP five times is bound to be in the list, sir. I will, sir."

He spoke in the phone. "No calls for 10 minutes." He turned to me wearily."So what brings you here?"

"I've just been around the country," I said hurriedly. "The prices arecrushing people. Any chance the government might yet roll back on the subsidy cuts?"

He became grave. "We know how difficult things are. However, our hands are tied.How else can we balance the budget?"

As I start
My foreign tour,
My bleeding heart
Cries for the poor!

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