
Bull's Eye

This column consistently dismissed initiating a Kashmir ceasefire unless Gen PervezMusharraf denounced terrorism. Now the government is in a soup. ...

This column consistently dismissed initiating a Kashmir ceasefire unless Gen PervezMusharraf denounced terrorism. Now the government is in a soup. To save face it roped inthe Opposition to endorse extension of the ceasefire. But why continue a non-existent peace process?

National Security Convenor K. Subrahmanyam explained: "Persist with the ceasefireuntil Pakistan and the militants commit an atrocity so grave that neither the world northe Kashmiris will blame India for calling it off." Ah! So it is to propitiate worldopinion. To be precise, American opinion.

The Musharraf regime is torn between America and China. America wants peace even ifPakistan does not get all Kashmir. China wants continuing Indo-Pak tension—whateverits public posture.

Domestic American opinion is also divided. American business seeks China's growingmarket. American defence fears China's growing military capability.

China is aware of the American dilemma. That's why China, with Pakistan, makesempty peace gestures. Pakistan sternly warns the militants inside Pakistan "not todisplay their arms". Carry them by all means!

According to a news report, Chinese Uighur Muslim jehadis recently killed in Kashmir,in dying declarations, said they were on their way to Chechnya and would one day fightChina. Does that make sense? First conquer Kashmir and Chechnya. Only then fight the enemyat home?

The Indian government hopes China will join India in combating Islamist militancybecause of the "threat to Xinjiang". The Peoples Liberation Army, which trainedthe Afghan militants and helped the Kargil insurgency, will have a hard time keeping astraight face.

Perhaps Bush wants to attempt a Reagan on China. Remember how the world laughed at theB-grade movie actor when he first entered the White House? Eight years later, he departeda hero after demolishing the Soviet empire. Reagan's strategy was simple. He launchedthe missile defence Star Wars system. The Soviet effort to keep up shattered the Sovieteconomy. That triggered a people's revolt. The ussr collapsed.

Now Bush plans a new Star Wars project. It would nullify China's nuclear deterrentagainst America. China's effort to keep up could cripple China's economicprogress. That could divide China's civilian and military establishments.

This could be America's strategy. How does India's approach fit into it? DoesIndia have any approach?

Policy making is a sham
When we have our Uncle Sam!
We depend on Uncle's brain,
He won't throw us down the drain!

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