My 'Hey-Smoochka'. I miss you! I want to hug you and cuddle you and give you all the love I feel for you—which I was stupid enough to not give to you for various reasons (we must talk about all that, please!) when you were very young! It is never too late—and you are such a wise young lady! Our roles as Guru, father and a friend—and disciple, daughter and friend is not so easy—I know! But enough is enough—and we have wasted too much time and must make up for all the time lost! You will see how much it will improve my health and gloom and how much happier we all would be with you, me and mum as "S P G" chord, we will F(oops!) conquer the world!! I send my hugs and kisses and prayers for all in the world for you. Love Bapi.