The air in Delhi is thick with pollution and Holi milan. William Jefferson Clinton, the 37th President of the United States, is blessing the land of Aryavarta, the largest and (perhaps) poorest democracy in the world. To be sure, the US president may visit India as often as he wants. The state council of China had told Richard Nixon that as he'd expressed the desire to visit China, they were happy to extend an invite. That was a score and eight years ago. In our case, it's reverse. Good ol' Bill might as well say that as India's PM, and that computer-crazy Telugu Desam boy from Hyderabad are dying to see him, he's happy to do them the honour of a visit. So, by the time these lines appear in print, here he'd be! With all his paraphernalia, his dog, his (i.e. Clinton's) drinking water, security establishment and Madame Albright, the rather sharp-tongued secretary of state.