He may be a member of the footstompers club now but Mehndisbackground in voice-oriented genres ensures that Bolo Ta Ra Ra stands apart forMehndis exceptional voice. Explaining his drift to folk-pop, he says: "You see,I did in youth what most do after they are old. When I was singing ghazals, most people myage must have indulged in pop. Perhaps, youth has come to me at the wrong time." The"21, maybe less" musician isnt old enough to brood over the decline of hisyouth. Yet, most of the time his statements are similarly worded: straightforward,manifesting a likeable absence of familiarity with diplomatic jugglery. So, hisconfessions (apart from the age-fudging) are candid. "Girls are very high on my listof likings," he says. And he admits he dropped ghazals for folk-pop "becausethat kind of music is more enjoyable, and since any form of music is music anyway."