We keep hearing that this terror is only the work of a few ‘fanatics’ and that the majority of Muslims are peaceful. But what we saw during the rise of Nazism is reproduced today: nobody can see the threat, everybody wants peace at any cost, people are scared of war and violence and those who speak about a real threat, about an asuric force that wants to take over the world, are lambasted and crucified. Do you think all Germans were bad then? Not at all: maybe 10 per cent were hardcore Nazis and only 1-2 per cent actually performed crimes against humanity. There were many good Germans, as there are today so many good Muslims. But the silence of the German population is what allowed Hitler to kill 40 million people. We saw Muslims joining multi-religious marches, such as the one in Paris, or earlier in Mumbai, but we have not seen anywhere in the world, including in India, Muslims descending together in the streets to protest these acts perpetrated in the name of their Prophet.