On February 13, a man that the whole of India should be proud of was beaten black and blue and left profusely bleeding at Mumbai airport by a bunch of mindless religious hooligans, in the name of religious orthodoxy. Today, thanks to a lacuna in our laws, he is threatened by an even worse fate. Asghar Ali Engineer, one of the most courageous and enlightened commentators on communal affairs in the country today, was returning from Bhopal to Mumbai via Indore. At Indore, the plane was boarded by Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin, the head of the Dawoodi Bohra community to which Engineer belongs. The Syedna considers Engineer an apostate and threat to the community because he has been urging Dawoodi Bohras not to pay taxes to the Syedna and to break the stranglehold his family has on all religious rituals. He therefore declared a social boycott on Engineer some years back. So it was hardly surprising that on the plane the Syednas entourage vied with each other #in abusing Engineer, to demonstrate their loyalty to their supremo. Worse followed in Mumbai, where a large number of Bohra sycophants had gathered to greet their leader. Since mere abuse had by now lost its savour, they beat Engineer up. The police intervened to save him but that left the blood lust of the crowd unsated. It therefore proceeded to Engineers office and home and smashed up everything in them that it could find.