Maybe the hot pursuit may never occur for a couple of years, because the combinedforces of national intelligence, surveillance assets and the armed forces cannot think upan appropriate retaliatory strike that meets the immediate situation. There is nothingworse than an aimless bombing attack on a terrorist camp across the LoC that doesntsend out the intended signals and kills aimlessly. Hot pursuit is certainly not apolitical activity, but one of those oltws limited in scope, area and objective. In thatsense its not a no-holds-barred military operation, but an operation circumscribedby these three factors. A cross-border operation across the LoC is going to need prettyaccurate intelligence, on the outfit that is to be struck, where its leaders are, whetherenough trainees are present in the camp and the level of state support that it enjoys. Allthis is possible, but the military with its present higher organisation and command isunsuited to either make the assessment or practice such an operation. Legally, hot pursuithas no clear basis in international law or the Geneva conventions. Its one of thoserights that strong powers confer upon themselves like exclusion zones and no-fly-zones.The omnibus clause used to justify these actions is the article justifying self-defence.