Some eighty per cent of Nepal’s population is Hindu. In ordinary parlance that makes Nepal a ‘Hindu majority’ nation. But to dub it ‘Hindu rashtra’ would be democratically discordant and ‘valuationally gross’ (an Amartya Sen phrase). Calling a nation after the religion of its majority is now archaic. It is also, for a republic, odious, since there is a defining distinction between an ‘ordinary democracy’ and one that is also a republic. In a democracy, the majority party ‘rules’. If that political majority represents the nation’s religious majority and makes that religion its driving force, then it would be doing something that would be ideologically questionable but, still, politically legitimate. But in a democracy that is also a republic, the situation is different. In a republic that has become so after a popular uprising, the distinction is also startling. The republican character of such a nation makes the democratic majority subservient to the foundational principle of republicanism. What is that principle? This, that it requires an unconditional equality among all its citizens irrespective of any consideration—religious, linguistic, regional or other. Bahujana hitaya (for the benefit of the many), bahujana sukhaya (for the benefit and happiness of many) is a democratic tenet. But in a republic, it is accompanied by a third: lokanukampaya and sarva-lokashrayaya (with compassion to all and to all a sanctuary).