After a terrorist attack anywhere in the world, people invariably associate it with Islam, a religion that promotes peace at all times. In this regard, the first thing is that we, the Islamic Ummah, have been condemning all kinds of terrorist attacks. The Darul Uloom Deoband organised an all-India conference in 2008 when it unequivocally declared terrorism a dreadful act against humanity. The Darul-Uloom even passed a resolution in that regard. Besides, while issuing a fatwa (a ruling on a point of Islamic law given by a recognised authority) on behalf of the Darul-Iftah (one of the most important departments of Darul Uloom that answers queries regarding religious and social matters), it is clearly stated that terrorism has nothing to do with Islam. The fatwa emphasised that terrorism is only terrorism and it is wrong to link it with any religion.