The Roman empire referred to India as the land of the golden sparrow that, in exchange for gold, only gold, indulged its appetite for luxury goods from spices to printed fabrics. From the Jataka tales written 1,500 years ago, it is clear that we were traders as well as manufacturers. But a thousand years ago we stopped trading. We did not let merchants travel across the sea for fear of loss of caste. This closed-door policy meant that we became increasingly inward-looking, with no understanding of what was happening in the rest of the world.
The Arabs took over the sea-routes from Indians, later passed on to the Portuguese and finally to the British, who destroyed our manufacturing abilities for the benefit of the industrial revolution that swept across Europe in the 19th century. We were reduced to suppliers of raw materials and the gold that once flowed inwards started moving outwards. This drain of wealth caused the golden bird to fly away. We became poor!
With independence, through the protectionist policies of a patronising state, we sought to regain our manufacturing and trading capabilities, while purging our society of caste and other social and economic inequities. It did not work. To resurrect the golden bird, we had to liberalise the economy. So appeased was Lakshmi that this year the emperor of Pax Americana, casting a blnd eye to India’s poverty, arrived here with economic obeisances of his own.
But India’s growth is dangerously unequal. The gap between the rich and poor is rising rapidly and it is only a question of time before this will lead to violent confrontations. This happened before and will happen again every time Lakshmi is worshipped alone. Since ancient times, Lakshmi has never been worshipped alone. She is always worshipped alongside Narayan, Saraswati or Ganesha, deities associated with learning and wisdom. Our economic growth seems to be ignoring the latter deities to the country’s peril.