The trend of love marriages is on the rise, but somehow, relationship failures are also adding more to ears off late. Love is a passion that starts like floweret to blossom throughout the life of two individuals. It sees no barriers. It is a bond of relationship that tends to jump or ignore hurdles, leaps fences and simply wants to get going with the loved ones. Then why there is a point of discussion on the success of love marriage and why there is a debate on Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage? Why does it happen: is it that the Love marriage is a wrong decision, or do we need to do a little bit of vetting before deciding on love marriage? The latter sounds better, so to know how to have a successful love marriage, we spoke to Dr Vinay Bajrangi-one of the best astrologers in India, practising Vedic Astrology. We asked him how to get love marriage predictions from date of birth: how to have a successful love marriage and what is better, a Love Marriage or arranged Marriage. He explained all these questions with the help of Love Marriage Astrology. He explained effective ways of Love marriage problem solutions which one can follow to have a successful love relationship for life. Here are the excerpts of our discussions with him.