
Best Dietician for Weight Loss in Delhi [Sheetal Bansal Nutritionist Expert]

Weight loss is a personal and multifaceted journey. Understanding your body, nurturing your gut, and being mindful of your emotions and focusing on your sleep cycle can make this process more fulfilling and successful.

Sheetal Bansal stands as an epitome of dedication and expertise in the sphere of integrative nutrition and health coaching. With a masterful background, she holds an MSc in Psychology and a Diploma in Nutrition, establishing her as an authority in the union of mind and body wellness.  

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Under the guidance of a renowned gynecologist, Sheetal's training has honed her prowess. Sheetal has gone further by obtaining certification in gut health from a prominent U.S.-based institution.  

Her targeted focus on nutritional psychology, combined with her emphasis on gut health, has become the cornerstone of her practice, offering relief to a multitude of clients grappling with various disorders.  

Outside the clinical environment, Sheetal's interests spread across travel, spirituality, and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, evident in her extensive reading of nutrition-related literature.  

Currently, Sheetal is penning a book, a pioneering work focusing on how a precise emphasis on gut health can drastically enhance recovery rates for patients with even the most persistent ailments. This book promises to be an intriguing collection of case studies and insights, representing the culmination of her research, practice, and profound dedication to the well-being of her clients. 

Weight Loss, Gut Health, and Mind: A Comprehensive Guide for a Healthier You 

Losing weight is a goal for many, but understanding the connection between weight loss, our gut, and our mind can make this journey easier and healthier. Here are some common questions and simple answers to guide you. 

Q1: Why is Losing Weight Sometimes Difficult? 

A1: Weight loss isn't just about eating less or doing fad diets . It's about eating the right food at the right time totally as  per your body's demand. Also It’s about understanding the root cause for weight gain or any imbalance in body that have led to weight gain. Weight loss is just a byproduct of your healthy gut ( where all the absorption of nutrition takes place). 

Q2: What is the Connection Between Our Gut and Losing Weight? 

A2: Our gut has microorganisms that help in digestion of food. Our gut supports the working of hunger hormones. So if these good bugs are not in enough quantity in our gut they might get slow to regulate the hunger hormones and we are always confused about what to eat and what not to eat.and gradually landing over to more calorie dense food . 


Q3: How Do Our Emotions Affect Eating? 

A3: Our gut is directly connected to our brain. So the brain controls the working of the digestive system and similarly good bugs support the working of our  brain. So if you are stressed out or nervous you won’t b able to eat properly like one in exam time. you might feel nauseated as teh gut bugs are not supporting the brain . 

Q4: What Foods Should I Eat to Help My Gut and Lose Weight? 

A4: Focus on simple, wholesome homemade plant based foods. Include things like  

Fresh fruits  and vegetables various colors - include rainbow diet  

Whole grains like millets and whole wheat  

Fermented foods like curd/ kefir / kombucha / kanji / home 

Made pickles  

Drinking enough water and natural electrolytes  

Avoid too many sweets, fried items, and processed foods. 

Q5: How Important is Exercise in Losing Weight? 

A5: Exercise helps in multiplying microbiota  in your gut which is responsible for your immune system /digestive system and moods. It helps to convert sleeping bugs into active form . 


Q6: Can I Still Eat My Favorite Foods and Lose Weight? 

A6: Yes, for sure when your gut is healthy by making suitable Lifestyle changes then it also allows you to have favorite food by digesting easily and not  giving you bloating and acidity. 

Q7: How Can I Keep the Weight Off After Losing It? 

A7: weight loss always comes in last its important to focus on the roots cause of obesity so that you can manage the symptoms and then weight loss is just result of good gut health 

Q8: What is Mindful Eating, and How Can It Help? 

A8: Mindful eating means paying attention to what / when and why to eat. Always be aware of ingredients you are taking inside your mouth. This small particle can really help you long way 

Q9: Are There Quick Fixes or Shortcuts to Losing Weight? 

A9: Quick fixes are never entertained in life and that too for health also  


You have not gained weight overnight it took time similarly it will take time to lose weight also when you Support your body with holistic lifestyle approach  

Q10: How Can I Find Support During My Weight Loss Journey? 

A10:  Initial support comes from within. Set your mind to make healthy changes. Involve family and friends to support you. Surround yourself with people having healthy eating habits. Join the health communities. Be aware of latest disease and consequences  

Q11: Can Stress Affect My Weight Loss Efforts? 

A11: Yes, stress can affect eating habits and even our gut  health. Managing stress through relaxation techniques and Meditation  can support weight loss. Sitting in sunlight for 15 min first thing in the morning can really reduce the stress levels. 

Final Thoughts 

Weight loss is a personal and multifaceted journey. Understanding your body, nurturing your gut, and being mindful of your emotions and focusing on your sleep cycle can make this process more fulfilling and successful. 


Here's to embracing weight loss with wisdom and joy! 

Incase any questions drop a message : CLICK HERE 

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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