
Don't Use Freecash Before Reading This! 5 Profitable Alternatives To Earn Free Cash!

Discover the Better Alternative: - Earn More Free Cash, Faster!

Wait before using Freecash! You want to earn free money, just like the rest of us, but rather than going to Freecash, go on EARNUT.COM and get paid 30% more, and above all that pays without making you wait, I'll explain why in this review.

Think about it, why go to Freecash when you can make the same offers on EARNUT for 30% more. As well as receiving more free cash, you'll also receive your withdrawal faster, and there's nothing more important than receiving the fruits of your labour faster.

But what are the real differences between Freecash and Earnut?

To be as accurate as possible in this comparison, it's important to understand how these sites work.

These are GPT sites (Get Paid To). These GPT sites display advertisements or tasks to be carried out in exchange for money. Just as in a shop there can be theft (in our case, fraud) and just as in a shop the cost of theft has to be factored into the price of the products, so here it's the same thing!

If a fraudster tries to make an offer without respecting the rules (playing for less time than requested, filling in a survey with false information, etc.), this costs the site money. If a site loses money on fraud, it has to make up for this loss by paying all the other users less.

So the key is to use a site that has very little fraud, because it will be able to pay you much more.

When it comes to fraud prevention, EARNUT is by far the best site! Its fraud rate is 30% lower than other sites like Freecash, which means it can pay its users 30% more... not bad, eh?

Now let's move on to the part that interests us: how to earn Free Cash

Freecash is more or less built on the same model as the other sites, with one exception: the display of offers is not based on AI.

To put it simply, the offers are available by category on Freecash and on its competitors' sites, except that on Freecash you have to sort them out yourself.

Are you looking for a specific offer or type of activity such as surveys or games? Good luck, you'll have to find what you're looking for among thousands of offers and all that time wasted is time you don't earn free cash...


Time is money, and that's why you need to use EARNUT!

EARNUT's selection system shows you only the best-performing offers from users who are in the same geographical area as you.

To put it simply, if you're in New York, EARNUT will show you the highest-paying offers made by users who are in New York.

All the time you don't spend looking for offers that suit you is time you can devote to earning free cash, which is what you came for in the first place.

How do you optimize your free cash earnings?

First of all, like any source of income, you need to know how to optimise it by concentrating on what pays off. What you need to understand with GPT sites like EARNUT or Freecash is that the amount of income is based on the IP. Depending on where you are, earnings will vary greatly.

For example, an offer from the United States will bring in much more money than an offer from India or Pakistan.


This advice must therefore be adapted to the country you are in. Surveys are generally much more effective and profitable in developing countries (Tier 3 countries) such as India, the Philippines, Pakistan and Indonesia.

Surveys pay around 0.20ct of a dollar per completed offer for just 10 minutes, which is by far the most profitable offer in this part of the world.

Now let's tackle the Tier 1 and Tier 2 countries (Europe and North America). There are some very profitable offers in these parts of the world, and they are mainly games or casino offers.

Let's start with games. You can download and play games for around 15 to 20 hours to earn up to $400, and by repeating the operation 2 or 3 times a month you will be able to generate a generous additional income.

But when it comes to optimisation, there's nothing like asking the community for help. Always assume that someone has played the game before you, and therefore has advice to offer.


The best place to start looking is YouTube. By watching just 5 minutes of videos you can understand how the game works and above all how to finish it very quickly (and therefore get your reward faster).

Most game offers are structured in the same way: you will first be rewarded for downloading the game. This is an interesting strategy!

If you decide just to download a game, it's easy free cash. All you do is download the games, without doing anything else. You won't earn much, of course, but it's very quick and you'll rack up lots of small rewards.

On a site like, you'll have no trouble applying this strategy, as there are thousands of offers available.

Winning free cash is all about preparation. You need to identify the offers that interest you, compare them and then choose the quickest way to complete it.

I'm going to tell you a bit more about the comparison part, because it's important!


The same offer may be available from different suppliers (Torox, Ayetstudios, bitlabs etc.) and you need to bear in mind that these different suppliers do not pay the same, as they do not have the same margins.

It's crucial that you concentrate on this choice, because an offer can cost as much as three times as much, depending on the supplier you choose.

And if you have to complete an offer, you might as well get as much as possible for it, remember: you're there to earn free cash.

Where does the money that GPT sites pay users come from?

This is an interesting question because everyone thinks there's no such thing as free cash, everything has a price. Well, with GPT sites this is the case, but it's to your advantage.

First of all, it's important to understand what actions are paid for when you play a game. Do you really think that the game provider is really interested in players moving up a rank in their game or winning a game?

No. On the contrary, they are very interested in the time you spend with their application open on your phone.

In fact, everything you do on your application is recorded and tracked by the apple store or its android equivalent. The more time you spend on a game, the more the store will think it's a good game (=you play it a lot), and the higher up its ranking of the best games you'll go.

Do you know what it means to be positioned at the top of the apple store rankings? Millions of natural downloads from potential customers!

So by giving you €5/10 to play a game, they can earn thousands with the positions you help them gain in the store, not bad eh? It's a win-win system, you just need to motivate users to stay with the game for a long time.

To do this, the game supplier has decided to give you free cash in exchange for passing a level in the game, and to pass that level... you have to spend time on the game.

That's why, on EARNUT, you can find games that pay you several hundred euros just for staying in the game for a few hours.

The advantages of EARNUT Versus FREECASH

Freecash is a site that has aged badly, in every sense of the word. The site hasn't been up to date for a long time, many offers aren't displayed, payments take a long time to arrive and sometimes they don't arrive at all.

EARNUT updates its design every 3 months and above all doesn't take long to pay you, whether by Paypal or Crypto and Gift card, everything is paid instantly.

EARNUT's little bonus that changes everything: a wheel on which you can win up to $250 using the code "FREESPIN".

Now it's up to you to start earning Freecash on using these tips and remember that it's a supplement to your income, not your main income.

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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