
When To Plan A Child Using Birth Chart

One can get childbirth predictions from birth date/horoscope to plan and have a successful conception. The best date and time for planning a child helps a person get the childbirth prediction and have the child of their dream.

For many couples, the wish to have a child is profound, and the longing for a child is a deeply cherished dream. While some are fortunate enough to be blessed with children with normal and natural efforts, others struggle and face challenges and obstacles in starting a family. Nevertheless, the journey of parenthood is filled with dreams, hopes and well-being of the child. However, it is difficult to understand the pain of those going through the phase of being childless.

Many times, it could be planetary combinations that delay the child's birth, but many times, it could be due to parents' lifestyle and other compulsions. This is another reason why science like IVF is becoming a common factor in present times, which was hardly learnt a few decades ago. Childbirth needs a clear intent when you want to become a parent and a conducive constellation blessings. The intent is with the parents, and to know the conducive constellation blessings, one can get help from child astrology. Child prediction using your birth date/birth chart is fine, but are you also ready to be parents? Alone childbirth prediction cannot make you parents. 

Children astrology: how it helps the parents

Wish to know, if Does astrology have the potential to answer child-related queries? The answer is yes; astrology can very well answer all your queries related to childbirth. Fret not because astrological guidance for child-related issues can answer all child-related concerns before and after birth based on appropriate insights from child astrology.

Childbearing is a pivotal and meaningful journey for couples, marked by both anticipation and challenges. By analyzing the planetary combinations and their influences on key houses related to fertility and family life, astrologers provide the most auspicious times to try for a child. Astrological guidance has helped many hopeless couples enjoy parenthood. Child astrology focuses on the potential, challenges and milestones related to having and raising children. But due to vested interests, there is a dark side to children's astrology as well, and my experience of over two decades prompts me to caution parents to avoid such things. First, let us understand the two positive/aspects divisions of child astrology.

Astrology to know best time to plan a child: Pre-conception astrology

Children's astrology can explain the undue delay in a child's conception by analysing specific houses in the birth chart. The fifth House is considered to be the most crucial, as this House reflects the House for children. Along with the fifth House, the second House (family), the eleventh House (gains and fulfilment through children), and sometimes the ninth House (facilitator) are also analyzed.


Planets such as Jupiter (the main significator of progeny), along with Venus, Mars and the Sun, also play vital roles. It is seen in the birth charts of many couples that if Nadi Dosha has an apparent impact, child astrology indicates delay or challenges in starting the family life. But do you know there are precise astrology tools to check Nadi Dosha's cancellation? In over 50% of Nadi Dosha cases, there is a chance of cancellation of Nadi Dosha. Also, depending on the potency of Nadi Dosha, the couple can go for the Rh factor test to overcome the negativity of Nadi Dosha. Similarly, past life karmas are also believed to have an impact on child birth (like Pitra Dosha in male partner's charts) due to which, they might have to face delays in child birth.  

Child-parent astrology: Post-conception but the dark side of astrology

In this, astrologers often get queries regarding the issues parents face after the child's birth. This includes concerns regarding fetal health and development, the timing of birth and the mother's well-being after childbirth. Many parents are also worried about their child's career and life path. Once the child is born, parents are often concerned about their child's future. They are eager to gain insights into the education, career and life path the child might take in the long term to make well-informed and timely decisions. Though the concern of the parents is pure, we all know over-analysis is often counterproductive. Thus, premature consultation of the child's horoscope can also lead to unnecessary anxiety for both parents and the child and sometimes incorrect interpretations.


This method of astrology is actually playing with the parents' emotions due to over-anxiety and has less to do with the basic rules of children's astrology. The only wise step related to the child-parent relationship is to check if the child was born in Mool Nakshatra or has very severe health ( not normal health issues) or abnormal behaviour. I hope you as a parent, know what it means with my sincere wishes, you do not have any such issues. Do not let astrologers play with the emotions in the name of parent-child astrology. I see the horoscope as a summary of past life(s) deeds that need thorough control on Karmas, and I do not expect a child to know all this till the age of 12 or 15 years of age. If you are also anxious to know, what does your child horoscope says, read at the link below.


Child gender prediction – Many wonder can astrology predict child gender before final delivery? Yes, Astrology can know the child's gender, but no ethical astrologer will give/should give a prediction about the child's gender.

Child birth predictions using birth date

One can get childbirth predictions from birth date/horoscope to plan and have a successful conception. The best date and time for planning a child helps a person get the childbirth prediction and have the child of their dream. By aligning the conception efforts with what stars indicate in your birth chart, baby birth predictions can help make your journey towards parenthood smooth and effective. Astrological charts can reveal favourable and unfavourable periods for conception. One can get to know the best time to plan a child according to the date of birth of both parents. To know the most auspicious time to conceive a child, the transits and dasha of specific planets are considered to create favourable conditions for conceiving. The gracious transit of planets such as Jupiter, known as the planet of good fortune and expansion, is believed to give positive results for conception as it bestows the couple with auspicious energy. Other transits, planetary arrangements, and relevant influences and aspects are analyzed. Aspects from the beneficial planets such as Jupiter and Venus are believed to be the ideal time to try for a baby. Conversely, challenging aspects are bound to create obstacles and delays. In this way, child prediction using astrology is an effective tool to clear all the confusion and uncertainty and, thus, enables you to try to conceive and manifest the blessings of new life at the right time.


It is difficult to understand the pain of those experiencing delays in childbirth or are having conceiving problems. However, astrological influences and planetary arrangements can explain the reasons behind delays in conceiving. Due to changes in planetary arrangements and aspects, unnecessary delays can occur in conception. Malefic influence of planets such as Rahu or Ketu can clear the clouds of doubts, uncertainties and confusion, thereby illuminating the pathway to positive and new beginnings. It is also believed that unresolved karmic issues might cast their shadow over the present, thus affecting the timing and ease of childbirth. For couples facing problems in the challenging journey of natural conception, astrological guidance for delays in childbirth guides you with astrological remedies to overcome these challenges. One can read more on when to plan a child using birth chart.

Can we see fertility from birth chart

Yes, one can see fertility from birth chart to know if the couple will be able to have child naturally. The fertility yoga seen from the horoscope indicates the chances of natural pregnancy and what is the right time for the couple to plan a child. Many combinations are seen for Child Fertility according to birth details. The most important aspect of checking fertility in a horoscope is the moon phase/moon sign at birth time and planetary combinations linked to the 5th House of Children. If Saturn and its position with the 5th and the 8th houses can affect fertility for childbirth, a good Jupiter here will give good childbirth fertility. But there is nothing to worry about because Saturn alone cannot decide fertility. There are other planets also to check fertility yoga. And do not forget, Saturn keeps transiting, so one can take advantage of good Saturn's transit.

Still, nothing working out, parents resort to artificial methods like IVF. Here also, one can take help from astrology for best IVF dates.

Can astrology suggest best IVF dates

Though knowing the fact that natural conception might not be possible is disheartening for couples who cannot conceive naturally, there is no need to lose hope as assisted reproductive technologies like IVF have opened the gateway to happiness for such couples. One can know best dates for IVF with the help of astrology. With the analysis of the horoscopes of both partners, astrologers can suggest the best time to conceive a baby through IVF. The couples can plan and schedule their IVF cycles during the benefic transits, thereby aligning to the favourable energies from the universe and thus increasing their likelihood of conceiving.

Children astrology also helps reply many questions like:

When will I have child?

When can we have the second child? Mind you, it needs to focus on the seventh house, unlike the fifth house for the first child in the birth chart. 

Can we know about child adoption using astrology?

What astrological remedies can help me with baby birth?

Can astrology suggest C Section dates?

Can we know health issues in birth chart to plan a baby?

Similarly, there can be numerous questions in parents' minds. And so on many questions in parents’ minds.

Astrology serves as a supportive partner, providing solutions that are most appropriate to all child-related queries, transforming uncertainties into opportunities, and making the journey to parenthood smooth and joyous. With the help of expert astrological guidance, couples can embark on this beautiful journey with renewed hopes and optimism, thereby converting disappointments into beautiful realities. Whether addressing the complications of pre-conception or looking for solace in post-conception concerns, astrology is one such tool that has answers to both before and after birth-related issues. Embark on the journey to bring new life to this world with confidence and grace, and let astrology fulfil your dream of becoming a parent.

One can get many free predictions on free Kundli predictions.

For any specific issues, connect with my office at +91 9278665588 / 9278555588.

Other useful read related to children astrology: how to deal with your child horoscope.

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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