
WritePaper Review: What’s The Best Site To Write My Paper? Straight-A Students Choose

Hey, everyone, it’s Lydia Havens with another writing service review! After hearing so much about WritePaper, I decided to test it and order a paper there, and here is what I think. Check out my unbiased review to learn everything you need to know about WritePaper!

Starting Price $10.8 (school) and $11.4 (college) Minimal Deadline 3 hours Revisions Free and unlimited Customer Support 24/7 Plagiarism Free

Hi! Lydia Havens is here! I’m an experienced essay writing services reviewer whose mission is to help you distinguish legitimate writing companies from poor-quality ones and only get your papers done by the best experts. I spent the entire last week discovering and testing one of the industry’s top players - WritePaper . And now, I’m ready to share my verdict with you!

WritePaper has been in the essay-writing industry for over a decade. The company boasts a rich history and a reputation as one of the best academic helpers for students. Throughout its time in the market, Write Paper has served thousands of customers and provided them with A-worthy papers. Numerous positive reviews from students confirm this, and so does the company’s overall rating - 4.8/5, which is pretty high for an academic help platform.

According to the company itself and tons of customer reviews, WritePaper stands for credibility, dependability, and quality. The service deals with all kinds of papers and assignments of any complexity and on any academic subject. It employs qualified writers and gives its customers a number of firm guarantees that ensure 100% satisfaction.

But is it really that great? Making my WritePaper review , I carefully studied every promise and feature of this service. I also placed a test order with them to assess the real quality of the papers they deliver. Get ready to learn what I found!

Pros and Cons of

Before we consider different aspects of this service in detail, let me quickly go over the primary perks and drawbacks that I revealed in

Pros Cons A wide range of services makes a go-to service in any situation you face in your studies. Due to a wide choice of writers, picking the one for your order feels somewhat overwhelming. But there is an opportunity to ask customer support for help. Exceptional value for money given the low starting rates and generous discounts. I needed a revision for my order to make it sound more authentic to my writing style. However, the writer made all the necessary changes very promptly. Zero plagiarism is always guaranteed and can be confirmed with a free plagiarism report.   Timely delivery, convenient deadline options, and the possibility to request urgent assistance due in less than a day.   Helpful and friendly customer support is available around the clock.   Top-level quality, excellent formatting, and compliance with customers’ guidelines.   A large pool of qualified experts and the possibility to choose the writer you like most for your order.  


WritePaper Writers

If you are wondering “What makes WritePaper the best site to write my paper,” the very first thing that pops up in my mind is the service’s writing team. It’s crystal clear that the qualifications and professionalism of writers are what distinguishes a good essay writing service from a bad one, which is why learning more about paper writers from this company was one of my top priorities.

As was mentioned earlier, the service boasts a very extensive pool of academic writers. On the website, there is a separate page dedicated to writers where you can find detailed profiles of every expert.


First of all, I have to admit that I like that WritePaper doesn’t keep their writers’ personalities secret. Not all services do this. This indeed creates a higher sense of trust when you can learn more about every expert’s background, education, completed orders, etc. Besides, this simplifies the choice of the writer for your order. All you need to do is compare different experts based on their qualifications and experience and choose the best match.


I also liked the fact that there is a direct chat between the customer and the writer. The chat enables you to communicate with the selected expert directly whenever you need it. This makes the order process much simpler and enables you to provide additional guidelines or ask questions about your paper.

Another thing I want to highlight in terms of paper writers at WritePaper is their qualifications. Studying dozens of writers’ profiles, I noticed that all experts are native English speakers, which ensures good language and grammar in your papers. Also, they all hold college degrees, and some are even Masters or Doctors in their fields. Lastly, every writer here has a minimum of 3 years of experience in academic writing. All these things indicate the high level of professionalism and the serious approach of the company to the hiring process. That’s why this service might be the best place to satisfy your “write my paper for me” request.


WritePaper Customer Support

When looking for an opportunity to pay to write paper, you, of course, expect to get a seamless and stress-free customer experience. I believe that the support team is the key to the best experience, which is why WritePaper’s customer support was another thing I wanted to test right away.


The service offers two ways to get a hold of their customer support team - via email or via a live chat. I have to say that it’s great to have a few options in order to pick the one that suits your needs best. So, I had to test them both.

The contact email can be found on the Contact Us page on the service’s site. Once I found it, I crafted a brief “first-time customer” email to ask some general questions about the service and how it works. I was surprised to receive a reply within less than an hour because email-based support often takes much longer. Also, I liked how detailed and helpful the response was. Although I asked very basic questions, I could easily tell that the support manager who replied to me really made an effort to be as helpful as possible.


After remaining super satisfied with WritePaper’s support service via email, I also wanted to test their chat. The huge benefit of this feature is that it allows customers to receive almost instant replies from support managers. It took less than a minute until I was connected with one of the support reps. The manager was very friendly and helpful too. I could feel that they do their best to deliver outstanding customer experience.

All in all, customer support at WritePaper works great. Not only is it available 24/7 but it’s also fast, efficient, and very helpful. I think this is incredibly important for an essay writing service.

WritePaper Pricing Policy

As an experienced essay writing services reviewer, I know for sure that the price of the service is one of the decisive factors for students looking for academic assistance. We all know that students are often rather restricted in their budgets. Thus, when they decide, “I want someone to write my paper,” they always seek the best value for money and want to save. Unfortunately, there are very few services that can meet students’ needs budget-wise and, at the same time, deliver high-quality help. Luckily, WritePaper is one of the few.

The service is designed with students in mind. That’s why the starting price of their help is very affordable - only $10.8/page for school-level orders and $11.4 for college level. The price isn’t fixed, which is also a big benefit. It’s calculated based on the academic level and the number of pages you order, as well as on the selected deadline. This gives you more flexibility in terms of cost.

In addition to pocket-friendly prices per page, WritePaper also has a few nice bonuses for you. Namely, the best writer, formatting, outline, title page, and plagiarism report all come free of charge, and even that’s not all!


The company has developed a very cool system of deadlines for bulk orders. In simple words, the more you order, the less you pay. You can get up to 40% off your papers if you order more pages and save a lot of money without compromising the quality.

Finally, one last thing I liked in terms of the price is the possibility to calculate it before you place an actual order. On the website, there is a convenient calculator that will help you see the final cost based on your specific order details.

Payment Process and Options

Students who use essay writing services for the first time always wonder “How can I pay to write my paper?” Naturally, they want this process to be 100% safe and convenient. And WritePaper ensures this for you.

The service processes all payments through secure gateways to keep your personal and payment details safe. They also feature a number of different options to let you choose the most convenient option for you. Namely, you can pay using MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.

I also liked how the entire payment process worked. Unlike many of its competitors, WritePaper doesn’t request upfront payments. When you place an order and choose your writer, you will be asked to deposit the cost of the order to your personal account. But the money remains there all the time until the order is completed. When you receive a notification that your paper is ready, you have time to download it and see if it meets your needs to the fullest. If not, you have the possibility to request an unlimited number of revisions to make all the necessary changes. If you are happy with the quality of your order and don’t want any revisions, only then should you release the money to your writer. This unique feature makes the entire process risk-free.

Oh, and there is one more thing! The company has a transparent and firm money-back guarantee. That is, if you turn to WritePaper for help and they don’t satisfy your “write paper for me” request the way you’d want them to, you don’t pay a cent. This is a rather unlikely situation given the excellent reputation of the service and their commitment to quality. But it’s always good to know that you can get your money back in case something goes wrong.

Student Feedback on WritePaper

When making my reviews, I always seek social proof to confirm or refute different statements. To find social proof on WritePaper, I first checked customer feedback provided on the service’s website.

Student Feedback

On the website, there is an entire page dedicated to customer reviews. In total, there are nearly 500 reviews, and the overall service rating, according to them, is 4.89/5. Most reviews praise the service for impeccable quality and fast delivery. All in all, based on these reviews, I could tell that students are generally very happy with the services provided by WritePaper. But I couldn’t take this for granted and decided to look for more reviews on the web.

Browsing the web for WritePaper reviews, I found loads of testimonials on different trusted platforms. On all of them, the overall rating of the company was also high:

  • Sitejabber - 4.9

  • - 4.8

  • NoCramming - 4.8

In most reviews, students who tried WritePaper claim that their experience was very commendable and recommend others to use it, too.

Based on my own experience, I can confirm the statements other customers make in their reviews. I would also rate WritePaper high for its reputation, intuitiveness, range of services, writers, and overall quality. So all in all, I can say that this service indeed keeps its promises and, thus, leaves customers 100% satisfied.

My Experience With WritePaper

In order to evaluate an essay writing service to the fullest, it’s important to see how it works in practice. So, I had to place a real order to make my review complete.

I wanted to order a 5-page research paper on History due in 5 days. Although the service’s website is very intuitive and easy to use, I wanted to test how their “place an order with our customer support” feature works. So, instead of placing my order myself, I contacted the support team via online chat and simply said, “I want you to write my paper.” I was first replied to by the AI bot and then connected with a human representative in a few moments.

The support representative kindly asked me about all the details of my order and created it for me. So, my next step was to pick the writer. To be honest, the huge choice of qualified experts got me lost for a moment. It can be quite hard to choose from such a wide variety, especially given that every writer is a proven expert in their field. However, after reviewing writers’ bids and checking their personal profiles, I finally selected one writer I liked most.

After I made a deposit, the writer started working on my order immediately. I particularly liked his willingness to communicate with me and answer all my questions in the chat. I also used the chat to provide additional guidelines and make some clarifications on the topic. And I feel that this helped us get a result that perfectly matched my expectations.

To my surprise, my paper was ready ahead of time. The writer delivered it two days before the deadline. I checked my paper instantly and, to be honest, I could just leave it as it was because the quality was beyond my expectations. However, I wanted to test how revisions work, too, so I requested the writer to make some changes to the writing style and word choice to make it more similar to my own writing style. A few hours later, all revisions were made and I paid for the order.

After my experience with WritePaper, I can confirm that this company sticks to the high standards of quality and keeps the promises it makes. So, if you are looking for a place to ask, “Please, write a paper for me,” this site is an option you can rely on.

WritePaper: The Best Site to Write My Paper or Not?

When students start looking for a service to satisfy their “write my paper for me” request, they are faced with a huge number of options, and choosing between them isn’t easy. Due to the high demand for professional writing services, there are plenty of companies that offer this kind of help to students. But, of course, not all of them are worth your trust. That’s why I found my mission in testing different services to help you find the best essay writing help.

So, what is my final verdict about WritePaper? After studying this service from cover to cover, I can confidently say that it’s a place where every student can find the needed help. The company deals with all academic levels, subjects, and types of assignments. It also gives a number of firm guarantees, such as a guarantee of:

  • Confidentiality;

  • Quality;

  • Timely delivery;

  • Affordable price;

  • Writers’ professionalism, etc.

Based on my own experience and customer reviews, WritePaper doesn’t just give these promises but actually keeps them. So, my verdict is - this service is a reliable academic helper that you can rely on in any situation. It will help you boost your grades and achieve academic excellence with less effort. So, if you are looking for someone to ask, “Please, write my paper,” I can recommend you to try WritePaper.

Frequently Asked Questions About WritePaper

Is WritePaper Legit?

Hands down, it really is! WritePaper is a fully legitimate company that provides high-quality essay writing services to students. The company has been around for a long time and has a good standing in the industry. According to different trusted platforms with reviews, this service boasts a very high rating, which indicates its reliability and trustworthiness. As for my own experience, I was absolutely happy with it and can confirm that this service is legit.

Is WritePaper Safe?

The company prioritizes customer safety and experience. They provide a guarantee of confidentiality ensured by advanced encryption and feature solely secure payment options. On top of that, WritePaper doesn’t take upfront payments and guarantees 100% money back in case of dissatisfaction. So yes, using this service is completely safe.

How Much Will It Cost to Write My Papers With WritePaper?

It’s hard to answer this question because the prices are not fixed. Rates start from only $10.8 per page for a school level and $11.4 for college-level assignments, which makes WritePaper rather affordable. Also, the service offers generous discounts on bulk orders and nice freebies that let you save even more.

How to Place an Order at WritePaper?

Placing your order at WritePaper is very easy and only takes a few clicks of the mouse. First, you need to complete an order form and specify all your requirements for the assignment. Then, you need to choose a suitable writer, make a deposit, and wait for your order to be completed. Lastly, you can check the final version of your paper and either request free revisions or release the payment to your writer.

Can WritePaper Write My Paper for Me With No Plagiarism?

Of course! The company doesn’t tolerate plagiarism on any occasion. All papers are crafted from scratch and undergo a thorough plagiarism check before they can be delivered to the client. You can also request a detailed plagiarism report free of charge to make sure that there really is zero plagiarism in your paper.

Author’s Bio

This review was prepared by Lydia Havens - an educator and professional writer with years of experience in writing for the academic sector. Apart from writing her own works, Lydia found her mission in helping students succeed. She uses her extensive experience to put the most popular essay writing services to a test and share her honest opinion about them with students seeking professional help.

Disclaimer: The above is a contributor post, the views expressed are those of the contributor and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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