NINETEEN ninety-seven, an odd number as the calendar goes, and occurring at the tail end of a century, it fails to enthuse despite what the advertisement tells us. And, before we get into this discourse, let's remind ourselves that ads are the prophecy and the advertised products the truth. This was the great wisdom the last half-decade was struggling to scienticise. As the visual complement of the prophecy, we were shown in an ad the customary female model, in partial undress, the face predictable, and the automobile in the background, the frozen speed and impatience brought alive by the visualiser at the ad agency. Pictures like these have been elevated to a civilisational thrust. The ad is today's revelation, and through it the copy-writer proclaims: feeling guilty driving down the slum? No need to be sentimental. Enjoy your automobile and drive on. We've conveyed the slogan in different words for mundane reasons, and kept back the brand-name of the car as well. But the message is clear. A new liberalised, globalised century is on the turn. Listen, and you will hear its hinges. Drive on!