
A. Subramaniam

Nuclear Scientist

ipassana has a scientific basis, that’s why it appealed to me. In my spiritual quest I had visited Chinmaya Mission, Ramakrishna Mission to find answers. Then, in 1992, when I was in Mumbai (with barc) my wife Janaki and I went to Igatpuri and did the Vipassana course. The first three days were difficult, but by the 10th day my mind felt free. After longer courses, I felt free of fear and tension. In ’94 I moved to Kalpakkam, and now teach at least two courses in Tamil. Our son and daughter have also done courses. Vipassana makes you compassionate. When Janaki’s mangalsutra was snatched, she and I meditated for the snatcher so that he could come out of his suffering.

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