Mainland China
It’s possibly the ying and yang of Chinese cuisine that sets Calcutta apart from the rest. Tangra has always been unsurpassed. Ushering in five-star restauranting to the city is Mainland China, with its gold ceilings and mouthwatering Szechwan, Hunan and Cantonese fare. Select between chilli-flaked Hunan prawn and crackling spinach, move over to some Szechwan chilli crab and chicken chilli oyster along with some steamed bekti, with a choice of sauces. Order pan-fried or Singapore rice noodles along with the main course. For a special experience though, ask for a Peking Duck Meal: the skin of a roasted duck, garnished with finely chopped celery, carrots and cucumber, rolled into a pancake is the first on the list. That duck bones serve to make a delectable stock for the accompanying soup, thick or clear, as you wish, and the duck meat served with a choice of sauces: hoysin, chilli bean or chilli plum. Monday to Friday, Mainland China has a buffet for Rs 250, with the weekend fare coming with a prawn dish costing Rs 50 extra.