This is clear from the new school curriculum where History will not be taught from Class VI to Class X andthen suddenly it will be started up in Classes XI and XII. Since there will no graduated teaching of history,moving from the simple to the complex from class to class, what will be taught in high school will have to befairly elementary and of a diluted form. History will be replaced by social studies consisting of geography,civics and a few general notions about nationalism and patriotism. Civics will presumably discuss, among otherthings, India as a society organised around caste, and will also have to discuss the policy of affirmativeaction and reservations for Dalits. Presumably it will also have to answer questions of a complex kind such asthe ones that have recently arisen in the public debate on caste and race. And how will teachers teach suchsubjects if they are forbidden from discussing the formulation of varna in history-how did it come about, andwhen, and what was the structure and the ideology that gave rise to it, and who were the groups thatmanipulated it to their advantage? Is the state assuming that if any OBC and Dalit children raise anyquestions, they will forcibly be made to shut up?