
Difficult Tasks, Easy Solutions

Wondering how to get your office networked? Just ask for Intranet—customised solutions for your networking problems

  • it leverages existing infrastructure and investments
  • integrates well with different applications
  • allows for flexibility in vendor selection and maintenance
  • eliminates the need for expensive and lengthy training
  • does not disrupt operations.

    Besides giants like Wipro, Microsoft etc, a host of smaller companies are offering quick and easy networking solutions for corporates and business houses. Companies like NetAcross specialise in providing Internet and Intranet solutions tailormade to suit the specific requirements of corporate clients. No organisation has a single solution which is ideal for their networking requirements. Says Anindo Ghosh of Media-Web, a Delhi-based organisation offering networking solutions: "At the cost of being branded a heretic what's really required today is a basic level of computerisation—computers on the table of every employee." And once the need for networking is recognised, connectivity is just one consultant and a day away. In this scenario, implementing an Intranet requires a structured approach, planning and managerial skills.

  • NetAcross starts at the top, analysing why you need an Intranet and what you expect from it. Only then does it offer solutions. And once the Intranet is set up, it trains personnel on how to manage the Intranet effectively. Consultant companies like these also provide continued support and ongoing upgradation of technology. Net-Across Communications has launched the world's first comprehensive out-of-the-box Intranet software product—Unison. According to Bimal Sachdeva of NetAcross, Unison is the perfect and complete Intranet solution for small and medium companies who can quickly and inexpensively take advantage of a technology that, so far, only large organisations could afford. It has 18 integrated applications and four global functions. Unison is easy to instal, has inbuilt security, needs no training or programme and applications can be customised to suit specific requirements.

    Wipro Communication Services also offers a host of networking solutions through their Lotus Communication Network and Microsoft Exchange Network which enables you to operate as an integrated company sharing resources and knowledge with customers, suppliers and employees. It allows you to take advantage of the built-in groupware features of group scheduling, discussion databases and document sharing across LANs and organisation-wide Intranets. The Lotus SmartSuite 97 is a complete set of 32-bit desktop applications with all the tools you need to connect and collaborate with others and integrate with Internet data. It comes with built-in connections to the Internet along with features that make it easy to find, publish and share information. TeamConsolidate, TeamReview and TeamMail are powerful ways to collaborate with colleagues, coworkers and associates.


    According to Ghosh, what's also important today is having access to Extranet—a facility to reconcile inventory across company dealers and clients using a network solution. Extranet is the first requirement for any organisation which has a large channel expense. While the Intranet is within the organisation, Extranet is information related to the organisation but made accessible to external users—dealers, clients, distributors etc. Thus cost savings come from sheer channel savings. Technical support is also provided through such Extranet facilities as inventory support, product shipping and availability information. "These are some of the solutions we're working with right now," says Ghosh. And clients will be looking forward to them.

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