There are note banks at the top and the vote banks at the bottom. In the middle of this pyramid, lies an educated, garrulous and split entity called the Middle Class – People like us or “ you and I ” dear reader- pretending as if we matter. Aware deep down though that we are, by and large irrelevant in the national discourse. Politicians, pragmatic and shrewd as they are, have long realised that middle class by the situation it finds itself in, is primarily occupied in concerns of daily grind and aspirations. In a country with a hiccupping economy, its battle to ‘keep up’ also forces it to remain largely self-absorbed. They have to protect their jobs, EMIs, insurance premiums, children’s education in the middle of rapid changes in the world around them which in actuality they scarcely understand. The old sacrosanct professions are no longer that holy and many Industries have collapsed. Many Brick and mortar businesses have become redundant. With that valued skills which families prided in useless. Holy grail of civil services does not evoke that awe and inspiration. Journalism as a profession is struggling with Industry seeing a steady shift on way content is produced, distributed and most importantly valued. Typical Engineer-Doctor-Lawyer, another bastion of the middle classes paradigm works only for the few at the top. In general, it is an endless slog to somehow keep up. World over are New generation technological changes whose import and consequences we have no wherewithal to estimate, are changing things as never before. In an impossible race, they are relentlessly increasing the digital divide and wealth allocation.