After childbirth, the last thing you feel like is sex. No, there’s nothing wrong with you or your marriage as long as you acknowledge that your hormones are crashing and possibly contributing to your feeling this way. You may have post partum depression without realizing it, and especially if you’re nursing, your sex drive is pretty much gone. But don’t forget your husband. While you are earth mother divine, and you have just done an amazing thing by having this baby, your husband is important to you and to your child. So take care of him – to take care of both you and your baby. Make a date with your husband. Even if it’s just for intimacy, not sex. Don’t feel guilty about hiring a babysitter (or your sister or mother) for a couple of hours. Build this into a routine. Three hours away you’re your baby, once a week, are not going to damage your baby psychologically or any other way. Even though you're exhausted, make an effort to look appealing. If you shower and put on some lip-gloss, you’ll feel better. Get a manicure. Your hair and nails are growing like crazy now, anyway, so you need it. Even if you can’t fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes, buy some transitional clothes. Have some kind of sex with him, even if you’re not into it. If intercourse is out of the question for a few weeks because you had an episiotomy and/or a natural birth, then consider oral sex or other forms of sex that are pleasing to him and make you feel aroused and wanted too.