THEY live on an acre of history. Delhi's Civil Lines was the first residential area that was chosen by the British when, after the Mutiny, they moved out of the Walled City. And the colony continued to grow between the late 19th and early 20th century. From the terrace garden on the 2nd floor, one can see the Yamuna in the distance and catch a glimpse of the house in which historian Percival Spear lived. Built on a plot of land earlier housing a bungalow, Vinod and Chinna Dua's home is one of 14 residential cottages in the complex. While the interiors are still in the process of being designed, the 12 by 10 kitchen is fully functional, put together painstakingly by Chinna Dua. The rest of the house promises to be plush and one-of-a-kind, but the very utilitarian kitchen is every housewife's dream and is, moreover, not difficult to replicate.