Being the nucleus of human diffusion is, not, however, enough: India is now being almost officiallydeclared to have been the original home of the Aryans, on which much more is said in the same Memoir, as wellas other quasi-official publications. A great outcry is being raised against the "colonial Indologists",who, on the basis of historical linguistics, established that Sanskrit belongs to the Indo-European family oflanguages, and argued that the proto- Vedic-Sanskrit was brought to India by its speakers from outside. The"race" theory has long since been discarded and on-one in academic discourse speaks of an"Aryan race." The irony is that while our RSS oracles denounce Max Mueller, Wheeler, etc., as"racists", this does not prevent them from announcing that "the lndo-Europeans and other Aryanpeoples were migrants from India". So says the U.S swami, David Frawley, amuch acclaimed source of RSS'shistorical wisdom. Still another "scholar", who gets quoted in extenso bythe HRD Minister himself,is the Dutch-Belgian Koenraad Elst, who in Aryan Invasion Update, announces that theProto-Indo-Europeans went out from "what is now Panjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh". Anotherproponent of the same cause is Navaratna S. Rajaram, billed constantly as the"US NASA scientist",and leader of a self-proclaimed "Indo-American School." All of them are enthusiastic builders of afantasy about the "Aryans", who, it is proudly claimed, gave civilization to the world, carrying itfrom India.