• It will feature artificial intelligence and big data from Microsoft, in front of the camera and behind the scenes. Clubs will debut the new Surface Pro performance tablets this weekend, with these devices in place to enhance the use of data for decision-making from the dugout. Microsoft has provided every club with two Surface Pro tablets, each one integrated with the LALIGA Mediacoach data analysis tool. The tablets, which are being provided as part of the Beyond Stats project, will be available in the dugouts and training sessions from this matchday onwards. Through them the coaching staff can receive alerts and game metrics in real time. Similarly, the audiovisual match broadcast will be complemented by real-time statistics and 3D graphics from Beyond Stats powered by Microsoft. Installing Mediacoach onto the Surface tablets and homogenising its use across the 42 LALIGA clubs will optimise the use of this technology, opening up new features that wouldn’t have been possible without this integration. It will boost the agility and speed in obtaining and synchronising the data collected by the 16 optical tracking cameras and the three tactical cameras in place at the 42 LALIGA stadiums, with the immediate processes allowing for real-time consultation of performance and medical data from the dugout.