5 Reasons You Should Make The Switch To Fresh Dog Food – A Review Of Nom Nom

Want to switch to fresh dog food? Here's everything you need to know to make the transition and a review of one of the best healthy dog ​​food subscription services!

Our little furry friends give us joyful experiences and provide us with a sense of emotional well-being. Therefore, we should reward their unconditional love and great company with the best food.

Actually, that's more than just a reward. Providing our pups with the best possible nutritional support means they'll be healthier and will be with us for longer. That's why many people make the switch to fresh dog food.

However, we often have many doubts about this. Veterinary research has concluded that pet parents who think about switching their pups' diet to natural dog food are making the right move.

Fresh dog food complements our furry companions' balanced diet and can have a positive effect on their overall health, which also means they'll enjoy enhanced wellness and longevity.

Are you still wondering if switching to fresh dog food will benefit your four-legged friend? Here are five reasons why you should consider this idea.

Plus, you'll find a comprehensive review of the best fresh dog food delivery service at the end. Read on!

How Good Is a Fresh Food Diet for Dogs?

Veterinary science and extensive research have shown that our dogs' health begins in the gut. Therefore, just like humans, our furry companions need the best diet to live a long and happy life.

What will happen if you eat burgers, fried chicken, and French fries every single day? It can have detrimental effects on your health in the long term. The same goes for your dog.

Feeding your puppy fresh dog food is like preparing meals with organic ingredients you harvest directly from your garden. Your body will really enjoy it, and so will your four-legged friend.

Is Fresh, All-Natural Food the Best Alternative to Feed Our Dogs?

Many people think that fresh food is real dog food, and I agree with that. Although they can't talk, my furry companions have shown me they enjoy this alternative more than what I used to feed them a few years ago.

There's another question we should consider. Why not cook homemade meals? Well, scientific evidence has also shown that it isn't the best option to feed our pets if we want them to have a balanced diet.

However, I know my opinion isn't enough to make you consider a fresh dog food subscription service. Therefore, I want to take a look at what the experts are saying.

What About Homemade Food?

A research team from the University of California's School of Veterinary Medicine cited a study that appeared in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association to explain to pet parents whether home-prepared food was actually nutritious for our furry companions.

Many decide to prepare their dogs' food at home because they believe it'll help them have better control over their pets' diets and provide natural meals.

However, this study found that the most popular recipes don't provide our four-legged friends with the required amounts of essential nutrients.

While homemade dog food can be a great option for our four-legged friends, average pet owners and veterinarians will find it difficult to come up with balanced recipes to create safe and nutritious meals.

Using recipes from online books won't help at all. Pet parents who want to cook homemade food for their dogs should consult with a Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionist.

Since these specialists have advanced training in nutrition and extensive experience in dogs' health, that's the only way to understand their requirements and formulate balanced recipes for our furry companions.

Why Is Fresh Food Better?

Experts have also investigated the effect of fresh food consumption on dogs' health compared to dry foods.

This study found that consuming fresh food increases dogs' microbiome diversity and promotes changes in their skin's bacterial composition. The results showed alpha diversity was higher in dogs on a fresh diet compared to pets consuming dry products.

In simple terms, fresh dog food can promote an increase in the skin microbiome in our pets! The skin is the body's first barrier to protect itself from the environment and potential hazards.

If the dog's skin function is optimal, they'll enjoy better overall health and have an enhanced immune response. Therefore, it's also crucial for living a long, happy life.

5 Reasons You Should Switch to Fresh Dog Food

Our dogs need a balanced diet to stay healthy. Their meals should include meat and enough vegetables. Actually, most experts recommend a 50-50 blend.

In addition, it’s important to avoid preservatives, artificial chemicals, and fillers..

Many pet owners choose homemade meals from recipes they find in online books to feed their dogs. However, this can be dangerous. Our furry companions need sufficient macronutrients and micronutrients, including carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, and minerals.

However, that doesn't mean we can feed our dogs the same food we eat. Our nutritional requirements are different. A diet with excess calcium could harm our four-legged friends' health, for example.

As pet owners, we should consider the nutrients they need to maximize foods' nutritional value and avoid practices that may put our dogs' well-being at risk. This is where fresh dog food comes in.

Here are five reasons why you should switch to fresh dog food:

#1 Fresh Food May Increase Your Dog's Lifespan

We all worry about our pet's longevity. If we love them, we'll want to be with them our whole lives. While it varies between breeds, the average life expectancy for our furry companions is 11.2 years.

However, diet can alter this. Dogs that eat fresh food may live up to an additional 2.5 years. 

#2 Fresh Food Enhances Your Dog's Coat and Makes It Shiny

As mentioned, the skin is the dog's first barrier to defend against potential environmental hazards.

If there are skin health problems, our furry companions can suffer from itching, scabs, and rashes. Furthermore, these issues result in a compromised immune response.

When dogs develop these skin problems, many vets recommend cortisone shots or reaction-reducing steroids to treat the symptoms. However, these medications have side effects that can harm our dogs' health even more.

Misdiagnosis is a common problem. Many dog ​​owners are told their furry companions have developed an allergy or illness. However, they're caused by a nutrient deficiency in most cases.

#3 Fresh Food Is Great for Picky Dogs

Are you struggling to feed your dog because your furry friend refuses to eat their current food? Fresh meals can make a difference!

Actually, I'm pretty sure this is the dog food dogs like best!

The best fresh dog food brands use natural ingredients that entice dogs with their appealing aroma. Also, your pets will know that their flavor will be so delicious, so they'll be willing to eat them enthusiastically.

If your dogs are picky eaters, you don't just have to deal with their behavior. They may also be at risk of nutritional deficiencies and health problems.

Fortunately, fresh food will turn their snout up when you feed them and will help you be sure that your beloved four-legged friend is getting the required amount of nutrients.

In addition, fresh meals are excellent options for older dogs that are also becoming picky eaters.

If our furry companions are older, they'll really appreciate foods that are soft textured because that means they won't have to spend too much time chewing. That's one of the biggest advantages of fresh food.

Besides many nutrients, fresh pet food has high water content. Therefore, this alternative will help your dogs stay hydrated.

Definitely, when it comes to food for picky dogs, fresh meals with natural ingredients are the best options!

#4 Fresh Food Will Help Your Pup Maintain a Healthy Weight

Overweight dogs face a higher risk of developing diseases and life-threatening conditions, including the following:

  • Diabetes mellitus 
  • Cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Urinary bladder stones
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Anesthetic complications
  • Faster degeneration of affected joints

However, veterinarians have found that most cases aren't related to a genetic abnormality or other dog-specific factors. Instead, as pet owners, we can keep our furry friends healthy weight.

If our dogs eat starch-heavy foods, they develop a higher risk for all of the diseases and conditions mentioned above. On the other hand, fresh, nutrient-dense food helps our dogs maintain a healthy weight and reduce that risk.

A balanced diet should include high-quality and nutritious ingredients, such as chicken, lamb, turkey, kale, organ meat, mushrooms, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, spinach, brown rice, and green beans, for example.

These ingredients offer many health benefits and promote adequate caloric intake to prevent obesity.

#5 Fresh Food Improves Our Furry Companions' Digestive Health

As I said before, experts agree that dogs' health starts in the gut. Fresh food diets contain sufficient amounts of fiber, which promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microbiota.

In addition, fiber promotes regular bowel movements, which also benefits our dogs' digestive health and regulates fecal consistency.

Did you know that we should pay attention to our dog's poop? This may be an indicator that their health is in optimal condition or suggest that we should schedule an appointment with the vet.

Nom Nom Review – Is It the Best Dog Food Delivery Service?

If we got this far, we should already know that fresh foods are a great addition to a dog's diet and offer many health benefits.

Fortunately, many fresh dog food brands have worked hard to create high-quality products that really benefit our furry friends. Nom Nom is one of them.

Do you want to find out if it's really one of the best pet food delivery services? Here's everything you need to know.

What Does Nom Nom Offer?

Nom Nom offers well-balanced fresh dog food backed by veterinary science. Their recipes  are made by real people who truly care about our four-legged friends.

In order to provide products that help dogs enjoy improved health, thrive, and be their best, Nom Nom uses whole ingredients in their fresh recipes. These are a few examples:

  • Sweet potato
  • Ground beef
  • Russet potato
  • Carrot
  • Peas
  • Eggs
  • Diced chicken
  • Yellow squash
  • Spinach
  • Ground pork
  • Kale
  • Brown mushrooms

Plus, Nom Nom addresses one of our biggest concerns when it comes to feeding our furry companions.

I know that my dog's foods must be natural and nutrient-dense, but I struggled to discover how to make their meals balanced and nutritious. Luckily, Nom Nom was a lifesaver for us.

This brand uses uniquely portioned recipes to meet our dogs' nutritional requirements and support their overall health. Plus, it only uses vitamin-packed ingredients that our furry friends love and need.

Benefits of Choosing Nom Nom for Our Dog's Diet

I truly believe that Nom Nom is one of the best fresh dog food delivery services we can find out there. These are some of the benefits this brand offers:

  • Nom Nom is really fresh. The brand uses high-quality ingredients to create balanced meals.
  • We can see what our dog is eating. Nom Nom's proteins and vegetables are visible. We don't have to worry about these meals' ingredients because we'll see them as soon as we serve the food.
  • Nom Nom only contains natural ingredients. There are no fillers, preservatives, or other weird ingredients we can't even pronounce.
  • They have a Board Certified Veterinary Nutritionist on staff who ensures all the meals the brand sends to its customers are actually good for dogs' livelihood.
  • We don't have to spend hours trying to figure out how much food to give our dogs. Nom Nom meals come pre-portioned. The brand adapts its recipes to our pets' nutritional and caloric needs.
  • Nom Nom's dog food delivery service is so easy to use. The brand sends pre-packaged meals tailored to our dogs' needs right to our doorstep.
  • Choosing Nom Nom also means that we'll be taking care of our precious planet, as the brand strives to reduce its carbon footprint.
  • Nom Nom is the best-rated dog food brand based on the opinions of multiple experts and veterinarians.
  • The brand offers a 50% discount on our first order + free shipping to help us save the first time we try its delicious fresh dog food!

How Nom Nom Works

Nom Nom's dog food delivery service is so easy to use. That's one of the things I love the most about this brand.

When I want to order fresh dog food from Nom Nom, I visit its official website and fill out the form with information about my pet, including my dog’s breed, age, weight, food allergies, and protein preferences.

After that, they portion the meals to my dog's exact caloric needs and send them straight to my doorstep!

We can store Nom Nom meals in our fridge or freezer until mealtime. We'll save a lot of time since we only have to order, pour, and serve them.

In addition, Nom Nom also gives us specific instructions to help us transition our dogs' foods to always-fresh, ready-to-serve Nom Nom.

Why Choose Nom Nom?

Honestly, Nom Nom has changed my life. This food delivery service was all I needed to make sure my dog ​​got the required nutrients, vitamins, and protein.

Since I ordered Nom Nom, I don't worry about the quality of my dog's food because I know that the brand will send me nutritious meals that will improve the health of my four-legged friend.

As I mentioned, their team goes the extra mile to ensure that all the meals the brand offers are the very best for our furry companions and meet their nutritional requirements.

Also, I didn't struggle when switching from one diet to another. This impressive dog food delivery service also provides pet owners with all the information they need to switch to fresh food and enjoy all the health benefits this diet offers.

If you're environmentally conscious, Nom Nom is also a great option. The brand uses boxes, meal packs, and premium insulating liners. They're either made from recycled materials or recyclable.

These elements are designed to keep our dogs' meals fresh from the time they're made to the time they're delivered but help the company reduce its carbon footprint at the same time.

My dog ​​eats Nom Nom, and I really love watching my furry friend clean their dishes and do a cute dance of excitement when mealtime arrives. 

Final Thoughts – What to Feed Your Dog

A better diet means our dogs will enjoy better overall health and have softer, shinier coats, fresher breath, and boosted energy.

Our dogs can't tell us they're healthy, but we can tell they feel good about what they're eating. Smaller and more consistent stools prove that our pets' health is improving.

That's what I have noticed since switching from traditional diets to Nom Nom fresh dog food. Therefore, I think it's the best alternative to feed our four-legged friends.

Besides an easy-to-use and prompt delivery service, Nom Nom offers pre-packaged, nutrient-dense, and balanced meals for our beloved pups. The brand adapts its recipes to our dogs' requirements and is environmentally friendly.

In addition, we can save on our first purchase since Nom Nom offers 50% off on our first order and free shipping!

As a pet owner, there's nothing more I could ask for from a dog food brand.

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