Taiwan's Strongest Earthquake In 25 Years Leaves Trail Of Destruction, Kills 9

Outlook Web Desk

Massive Quake Hits Taiwan

A massive Magnited 7.4 earthquake hit Taiwan on Wednesday, killing at least nine people and injuring several others |


Strongest Quake In Taiwan In 25 Years

The earthquake in Taiwan on Wednesday was the strongest the country has seen in the last 25 years. The country was also hit by multiple aftershocks


Nine Killed In Taiwan Quake

Taiwan's fire department said that nine people died in Hualien County which was the epicenter of the earthquake that struck around 8 am on Wednesday


Taiwan's 1999 Earthquake

Taiwan's worst earthquake in recent years struck on September 21, 1999 with a magnitude of 7.7, causing 2,400 deaths, injuring around 1,00,000 and destroying thousands of buildings |


Magnitude of Taiwan Earthquake

Taiwan's earthquake monitoring agency measured the Wednesday quake at Magnitude 7.2, while the US Geological Survey put it at 7.4


Scary Visuals Of Taiwan Earthquake Surface

The earthquake was caught on multiple videos that showed scary scenes that the strong jolts led to


Several Buildings Damaged

Several multi-storey buildings were damaged and dangerously tilted in parts of Taiwan after the earthquake


Hualien County Epicenter of Wednesday's Earthquake

In 2018, a deadly earthquake collapsed a historic hotel and other buildings in Hualien


Schools Evacuated

Schools evacuated students to sports fields, handing them protective yellow head coverings to guard against falling objects amid continuing aftershocks


Train Service Suspended

Train service was suspended across the island which houses 23 million people, as was subway service in Taipei, where a newly constructed above-ground line partially separated