Know The Breast Cancer Warning Signs And When To See A Doctor

Outlook Web Desk

TV Actor Hina Khan Diagnosed With Stage 3 Breast Cancer 

The news of Hina Khan's diagnosis has sparked a conversation about the disease and raised concerns about breast cancer and its detection.


Know Your Breasts 

Most breast cancer symptoms are discovered during regular daily activities like bathing. Being aware of your breasts' look and feel can help detect the disease early.

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Symptom 1: Breast Lumps

A lump or thickened area of skin that feels different from the surrounding tissue could be a sign of breast cancer.

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Symptom 2: Nipple Changes

A flattened or inward-turning nipple could indicate breast cancer.

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Symptom 3: Skin Colour Changes

Changes in breast skin colour, such as pink, red, darker, or purple shades, could be a sign of breast cancer.

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Symptom 4: Breast Size, Shape Or Appearance Changes

Any changes in the size, shape, or appearance of a breast could be a symptom of breast cancer.

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Symptom 5: Skin Changes

Dimpled, orange peel-like skin, or peeling, scaling, crusting, or flaking skin on the breast could be a sign of breast cancer.

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When To See A Doctor

If you find a lump or other change in your breast, make an appointment with a doctor or healthcare professional immediately. Don't wait for your next mammogram.

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Early Detection Is Key

Detecting breast cancer early can make it easier to treat. Stay aware of your breasts' health and consult a doctor if you notice any unusual changes.

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