As Killer Heatwave Sweeps Parts Of India, Here's How One Can Stay Safe From Heatstroke

Outlook Web Desk

Killer Heatwave In Parts Of India

Parts of India, including Delhi, are reeling under unbearably high temperatures amid heatwave conditions, that have resulted in a spike in heat-related deaths


17 Deaths In Delhi In 24 Hours

A total of 17 fatalities due to suspected heat-related illnesses have been recorded at Delhi's RML and Safdarjung hospitals in the last 24 hours, officials said on Thursday.


Heatstroke Deaths In Delhi

In Delhi, bodies of 50 people belonging to underprivileged socioeconomic backgrounds were recovered over the past 48 hours, however, heatstroke has not been confirmed to be the cause yet


Heatstroks Signs

High body temperature: Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness. A core body temperature of 104 F )40 C) or higher on a rectal thermometer is the main sign of heatstroke


Heatsroke Dangers

When heatstroke occurs, the body temperature can rise to 106°F or higher within 10 to 15 minutes. Heat stroke can cause permanent disability or death if the person does not receive emergency treatment


Heatstroke Symptoms

Symptoms of heatstroke include: Confusion, altered mental status; slurred speech; loss of consciousness; hot, dry skin or profuse sweating; seizures; very high body temperature


Heatstroke: How To Stay Safe

Staying hydrated, seeking shade during peak sun hours are some ways one can protected themselves from heatstroke


Heatstroke: How To Stay Safe

Cool the body quickly with a cold water or ice bath, wetting the skin, placing cold wet cloths on the skin, soaking clothing in cool water are also some ways to treat someone showing signs of a heatstroke


Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is another heat-related illness which refers to body’s response to an excessive loss of water and salt, usually through excessive sweating. It affects the elderly, people with high blood pressure and those working in a hot environment


Heat Exhaustion: Tips To Treat

Tips To Treat: Leaving hot area, giving liquids to drink, removing unnecessary clothings like shoes and socks, cold compresses or washing head, face, and neck with cold water, frequent sips of cool water