Countries Which Share Independence Day With India On August 15

Outlook Web Desk

India Marks 78th Independence Day

On August 15, 2024, India observed its 78th Independence Day, marking 77 years of freedom from British colonial rule.

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Liberation From 200 Years Of British Rule

While the Direct Rule of the British Raj in India lasted 89 years, the British had been present in the country since 1757 in the form of the East India Company. Hence, the British ruled over India for nearly 200 years.

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Iconic Red Fort Address

On every Independence Day, the current Prime Minister of India addresses the nation to mark the day India became an independent country. For the 2024 address, PM Modi delivered his 11th consecutive speech at the Red Fort and first of his third term.

| Photo: PTI

Countries That Observe I-Day On August 15

Along with India, many other countries mark their independence day or national days on August 15. Here's is a look at the countries which share their independence day with India.

| Photo: PTI


Liechtenstein, one of the smallest and richest countries in the world, celebrates is National Day on August 15. On this day, Liechtenstein gained independence from German rule in 1866.

| Photo: AP

Democratic Republic Of Congo

The African country of Congo also marks its independence day on AUgust 15. On this day in 1960, DRC liberated itself and marked the end of 80 years of French colonial rule.

| Photo: AP

South Korea

South Korea, formally known as the Republic of Korea observes August 15 as its independence day. On this day in 1945, Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule, which lasted for 35 years. The annual celebrations are referred to as Gwangbokjeol, which translates to 'The Day The Light Returned.'

| Photo: AP

North Korea

Korea gained independence from the Japanese as one country. Hence, August 15 is observed as the national day for both states. In DPRK, the day is known as Chogukhaebang'il - which means 'Liberation of the Fatherland Day'.

| Photo: AP


The fifth country joining the list is Bahrain. The gulf island nation declared independence from the British on August 15, 1871. However, Bahrain observes its national day as December 16, which commemorates its national achievements.

| Photo: AP