Inside Some Of World's Toughest Prisons

Outlook Web Desk

ADX Florence, US

Located in the United States, ADX Florence, is known as one of the world’s worst prisons due to its extreme security measures. Commonly known as the “Alcatraz of the Rockies,” ADX Florence houses some of the most dangerous and notorious criminals who are subjected to 23 hours of solitary confinement daily, with minimal human contact.

Bang Kwang Central Prison, Thailand

Thailand's Bang Kwang Central Prison has earned its reputation of being one of the world’s worst prisons due to harsh conditions and strict penal policies. Referred to as “Bangkok Hilton” or “Big Tiger”, the prison is infamous for overcrowding, unsanitary living conditions, and a frequent infectious diseases.

Google photos/nonthaburi

Black Beach prison, Equatorial Guinea

Amnesty describes the Black Beach prison in Equatorial Guinea as a 'living hell'. It is known for overcrowding, inadequate medical care, torture and abuse. Amnesty says, 'The Black Beach prison in the capital Malabo is a hideout; a hole in which the humidity due to the proximity of the sea and the land made prisoners live in infrahuman conditions'

Google Maps

Black Dolphin Prison, Russia

Black Dolphin Prison in Russia is known as one of the world’s worst prisons due to its tough regime and harsh conditions. The facility houses cannibals, terrorists and killers, who endure extreme isolation, with limited contact with the outside world and fellow prisoners.

Wiki/Lyudmila Ivanova

Butyrka Prison, Russia

Operating since the late 18th century, Butyrka prison of Russia has struggled with issues like poor sanitation, lack of medical care, and insufficient food supply. The prison is notoriously known for its harsh treatment of inmates, with allegations of abuse and violence by both staff and fellow prisoners.

Camp 14, North Korea

As per US Department of State, Camp 14 in North Koraea's Kaechon is essentially one large total control zone, meaning all prisoners are serving life sentences. The testimonies of former prisoners highlight the harsh treatment, including public executions and systemic abuse.

US Dept Of State

Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador

Ciudad Barrios prison in El Salvador, one of the most violent countries in the world, a facility exclusively for members of MS-13 - an international criminal gang - is guarded outside by the army. However, as per pgotograoher Adam Hinton's account, the inmates have free run of the facility, because even the guards are too scared to enter.

Adam Hinton/

Diyarbakir Prison, Turkey

Diyarbakir Prison in Turkey is known for its history of political detainment and has been accused of subjecting inmates to torture. Reports suggest that political prisoners in particular have been targeted for their beliefs, leading to a tense environment within the facility. Bozarslan

Gldani Prison, Georgia

Allehed violence and lack of lack of proper checks make Gldani prison of Georgia one of the worst in the world. Former prisoners' testimonies have suggested institutionalised torture — beatings, simulated drowning, bones purposefully broken — at the hands of guards and other officials at the prison.

flickr/Paata Vardanashvili

Guantánamo Bay Detention Centre, Cuba

Amnesty terms Guantánamo Bay detention centre of Cuba as a "symbol of torture, rendition and indefinite detention without charge or trial". Reports of harsh interrogation methods, including waterboarding, have raised ethical and legal questions about the treatment of detainees at this prison. DoD