
A Few Stolen Moments

These stories do not burst upon you with an eclat, for there's nothing to flaunt there, rather they sort of steal upon you, leaving you with a faint, almost elusive, shock of recognition.

A Few Stolen Moments
The Tutor of History
Forget Kathmandu

If you’re expecting the ‘traditional’ story, with a beginning, middle, end, and a twist in the tail, you realise soon enough it’s not what you’ll get. If you think that perhaps the little vignettes will add up to something, a story or a thread that connects them into a single narrative, even that expectation is defeated. These are simply short (and sometimes not so short), reflective not-quite-portraits-not-quite-stories about ordinary, small people. The thread, if there’s any, connects the people the reader meets here to those she met in her other books, for it’s the small actors who occupy the most space in Thapa’s mind.
