

Book events? Nothing but a circus? Well, Roli's gone and proved it. Now go judge a book by its cover.

Bend in the River
Nectar in a Sieve?
In the Middle

In fact, Indian book jackets are looking so good that foreign publishers are now considering outsourcing their graphic work here. Cambridge University Press, which has a small team of highly-paid graphic designers at their headquarters in Cambridge, is among those eyeing available—and affordable—Indian talent. Just how advanced Indian designing has become showed when Roli launched its own imprint in the very picky French market. Roli's The Unforgettable Maharajahs is the first book to be sold under the new Charles Moreau/Roli label, followed by five others before the year ends.


If you thought book events were nothing but a circus, Roli's gone and proved it. At their launch of VIPs—Very Important Pets, the guests of honour are Franto and Don. And no, neither Franto nor Don are authors but the ones written about: canines from the police dog squad.
