

How or why did a little-known publisher of dry, scholarly books—Academic Foundation—hit the blurb jackpot recently?

Blurb It All Out
Strategic Consequences of India's Economic Performance

Secret Passages


"What a waste of good stories!" journalist Kuldip Nayar is said to have exclaimed on the pain of being a media advisor in the PMO: all those tantalising stories and having to keep shut. But presumably those stories can now be told in his autobiography. Roli has grabbed the nearly-completed manuscript of this spill-all.

Seen That Grove Before
The best thing about dead authors is they can't accuse anyone of stealing their ideas. Pradip Krishen isn't the first to turn trees into a bestselling subject in India. There was Sydney Percy-Lancaster, the last Englishman to head horticultural operations in Delhi. His monthly bulletin Garden Chat (now reprinted as The Sahib's Manual for the Mali) has many popular trees of Delhi.
