

We've heard of reading in bed, but at the launch of The Last Mughal guests gave new meaning to the phrase...

Bahadur Shah Nite
Last Mughal

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Here's good news for aspiring five-figure advance-seekers: you no longer have to take the next flight to the UK to meet elusive lit agents like David Godwin. They'll all be here to attend one of the two international litfests early next year in Jaipur and Mumbai. The Jaipur one has already won over Godwin, but Kitab fest too has an enticing array.

A Bolster For Your Thought
We've heard of reading in bed, but at the launch of The Last Mughal guests gave new meaning to the phrase: some of them, unused perhaps to sitting on the floor with only a slippery bolster for support, stretched themselves out flat on the mattressed floor, gazing at the stars as they listened to Dalrymple reading from his book.
