

Stables are being hastily locked up after two senior Penguin editors bolted to HarperCollins, while publishers hunt for market-friendly authors rather than books

Not Quite Random

Smells Like Teen Spirit
With publishing focus shifting from writing to writers, publishers are on the hunt for market-friendly authors rather than books. Take the debut launch next week of a fantasy saga rather unfortunately called the Insanity series. The book'sUSP—just going by the advance publicity material—is the authors themselves: a pair of twins, Suresh and Jyoti Guptara. And as if this wasn't enough to make a publisher insanely happy, the twins also happen to be teenagers—all of 17, and good-looking, to boot.

Mother Of Ambition
Just how crucial age has become in the hype-driven industry was illustrated by an anxious mother who called wanting litagent David Godwin's number. Her son, she said, has just written a novel that deserves international attention. And why? He's only 14!
