

Want to make a quick literary fortune? Pen an inspirational-aspirational tale full of tips for self-improvement. Expect that from Dev Anand's autobiography?

The Loony Binge
It Happened in India

Barbara Once More
Remember Barbara Cartland? With her stiffly coiffed white hair, pink chiffon dresses and fearsome false lashes, she was famously described as the "steel meringue". The 700 romantic novels she churned out until her death in 2000 sold a billion copies. Now Rupa & Co have resuscitated her, reprinting 28 of her titles, replete with toe-curling lines like: "He kissed her until she was no longer herself but his...."There's no explicit sex in her books, it's all coy suggestion but her appeal has notdimmed-- they're flying off the shelves.

Dev Is In The Detail
Bollywood's evergreen hero Dev Anand's autobiography (to be published by Penguin in September) promises to reveal the truth about his relationship with his glamorous co-star, Suraiya. OK, but will he finally tell us the truth about his toupee as well?
