

Litfests, litagencies and lit spars. Khushwant Singh (the Second) writes to ask how can he help it if his mother named him Khushwant.

Star Features
Sunday Times

Inking Deals


It looks as if lit agencies have come to stay in India. Even as Osian is getting set to go to the Frankfurt Fair to try and sell its modest list of authors abroad, a Jaipur-based agency, Siyahi (Ink), has just been born. Siyahi will also get into auctioning Indian authors here and abroad, but is widening its focus to include translations from other Indian works in order to "tap into the riches of our regional literature".

Close Second
Namesake woes don't seem to ever end. There's Khushwant Singh (the Second) who writes to ask how can he help it if his mother named him Khushwant even before he was born. Poor him! It can't be an easy name to live up to.
